Russian cultural events calendar : Classical Music for the Masses with Daria van den Bercken.

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 4 notices à la date 2020-01-24 du calendrier.
    1             3    
1)   le vendredi 24 janvier 2020
Catégorie : Musicologie Type : Conférence 
RUG, Rozier, 9000, Gent
  9e Nederlands-Vlaamse Slavistendagen.
Slavistiek en Oost-Europakunde in de Lage Landen
Vrijdag 24 januari 2020
09:30 – 11:00 Parallelle sessie 7 – Rozier, lokaal 1.3 – moderator: Michel De Dobbeleer
Gaëtan Regniers - Spookvertalingen en vertaalnijd. De introductie van Russische literatuur in het Nederlands (1885-
1890) (’20)
Charlotte Bollaert & Piet Van Poucke - ‘Rien que la vérité’ of het lot van Nekrassov in Rusland (’25)
Eric Metz - ’Nou moe, ze hebben onze Ferdinand vermoord!’ De lotgevallen van Švejk in Nederland (’20)
Emmanuel Waegemans - Boekvoorstelling Nikolaj Karamzins Brieven van een Russische reiziger in Nederlandse vertaling (’15)

09:30 – 11:00 Parallelle sessie 8 – Rozier, lokaal 1.4 – moderator: Luc Breukelman
Dorine Schellens - Het Moskouse conceptualisme als gerucht? Onderzoek naar canonvorming vanuit een
netwerkanalytisch perspectief (’25)
Tilde Geerardyn - Analyzing Literature, Imagining Europe. The Work of Janko Lavrin, a Slovene Russianist in Great Britain
Elias Bounatirou - The Creation of Fascist Croatian (1941-1945): How Literary Works Were Rewritten in ‘True’ Croatian

11:00 – 11:30 Koffiepauze – Rozier, lokaal 1.2

11:30 – 13:00 Parallelle sessie 9 – Rozier, lokaal 1.3 – moderator: Phaedra Claeys
Ksenia Robbe - ’Repairing’ the 1990s: Gender, Genre and Generations in Recent Fiction by Russian Women Writers
Diana Antonello - The Construction of the Soviet Utopia and the Myth of schastlivoe detstvo (’15)
Miglena Dikova-Milanova - Self-Search and Self-Discovery in Bulgarian Socialist Society: Female Characters in Blaga Dimitrova’s
Novels (’25)

11:30 – 13:00 Parallelle sessie 10 – Rozier, lokaal 1.4 – moderator: Aleksey Yudin
Arina Davydova, Tatiana Zemskova & Evgeny Kazartsev - Genesis and Evolution of East-Slavonic Iambic Poetry in Comparison with English, Flemish, Dutch and
German Verse (’25)
Emiel van den Toorn - Een woord van waarheid is een vonk in een kruitvat. Custine en oraliteit in Rusland (’15)
Michel De Dobbeleer - Van Chipka naar Sjipka en terug: over het Balkangeurtje van de Dender (’15)
Dennis Ioffe - Instituties van Russisch modernisme en avant-garde: politieke en economische aspecten, esthetiek en

13:00-14:00 Middagpauze – Rozier, lokaal 1.2

14:00-15:30 Sessie Post-Sovjetnostalgie – Rozier, lokaal 1.3 – moderator: Otto Boele
Otto Boele - ‘Perestroika and the 1990s – Those Were the Best Years of My Life!’ Nostalgia for the Post-Soviet
Limbo (’15)
Mandy Duijn - Journeying to the Golden Spaces of Childhood. Nostalgic Longing in the Online Community The USSR
Our Motherland Through the Visual Image of the Soviet Toy (’15)
Boris Noordenbos - To Be Continued. Post-Soviet Nostalgia in Sergei Miroshnichenko’s Time-Lapse Documentary Series
Born in the USSR (’15)
Ksenia Robbe - Nostalgia Inside Out. Re-Addressing Post-Soviet Loss in Andrei Astvatsaturov’s Novels (’15)

15:30 – 16:00 Rondetafelgesprek – Rozier, lokaal 1.3
René Genis & Eric Metz - Jaarboek Slavistiek der Lage Landen

16:00 – 17:00 Boekvoorstelling Pegasus – Rozier, lokaal 1.3

Сайт/Site :

2)   le vendredi 24 janvier 2020
     à 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Catégorie : Musique classique Type : Concert 
Full Circle House, chaussée de Vleurgat 89, 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)
  Classical Music for the Masses with Daria van den Bercken.
Page Internet. Full Circle House. Classical Music for the Masses with Daria van den Bercken. 2020-01-24
Daria van den Bercken : Classical Music for the Masses.
A relaxed evening of intelligent talk, music and discussion, over drinks and light food.
Since her last visit to Full Circle back in 2016, virtuoso pianist Daria van den Bercken has stepped up her unique campaign to extend classical music’s reach to new audiences, across all ages.
In her own original way, she toured Handel around the world and brought his previously unheard melodies into some truly unexpected places.
She explored and unpacked the universal keys to understanding Mozart’s work – from elegance to playfulness – and has also dived into the enigmatic and inventive Scarlatti.
More recently, she has initiated a new foundation dedicated to presenting classical music in innovative ways to new contemporary audiences.
Once again, Daria will bring her music and joyful energy to Full Circle, and let us into her fascinating world. She’s coming both to play and also to talk about her work.
Programme :
6:30 PM Doors open
7:10 PM Performance & talk by Daria van den Bercken
8:00 PM Questions from the audience
8:30 PM Event ends
About :
Dutch-Russian pianist Daria van den Bercken is an unconventional classical pianist, celebrated for the fresh ways she brings piano music to life, and is regarded as ‘a model for musicians of the future’.
Her original and successful approach in bringing classical music to wider audiences has focussed on educational and social outreach. Since at least 2012 she has been playing the piano on alternative stages and platforms.
Her award-winning project ‘Handel at the Piano’ led to the prestigious Amsterdam Prize, countless concerts worldwide, and a weekly series about classical music on prime-time Dutch television.
She previously won the Concertgebouw Vriendenkrans Prize 2005 and the Dutch Classical Talent Award 2006 and 2008. Daria performs regularly around the world and is committed to actively reaching out to younger audiences.
Prices : Normal: €35.00 / Jobseekers: €15.00
T. +32 2 644 37 77 / C. events at

3)   le vendredi 24 janvier 2020
     from 18:00

Catégorie : Nouvel An Type : Célébration 
Brussels Solvay campus, rue de Ransbeek 310, 1120 Bruxelles (Neder-over-Hembeek)
  Invitation to CCBLR Brussels New Year Reception.
Invitation. CCBLR. Brussels 2020 New Year Reception. 2020-01-24
Invitation to CCBLR Brussels New Year Reception.
Excellency, Dear Member, Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
We have the honour to invite you to the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus New Year Reception 2020.
A wonderful opportunity to meet Chamber's members and new partners but also officials and ambassadors that contribute to the development and deepening of our economic ties with Russia and Belarus.
With the participation and speech of H.E. Alexander TOKOVININ, Ambassador of Russia to Belgium and H.E. Jean-Arthur REGIBEAU, Ambassador of Belgian Kingdom in the Russian Federation
Guest speaker : Elena BURMISTROVA, Deputy Chairman and CEO Gazprom Export (tbc)
We already wish you a Happy New Year full of exciting projects for 2020.
Yours sincerely,
Arkady Arianoff, Daniel Stevens and Manon Masset,
on behalf of the Management Board of Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus (CCBLR Brussels)
o Registration obligatory. There is a free admission for members and 50 € for non members
o Please submit your contact information before 10th January! Position, company’s area(s) of activity to CCBLR info at, Manon Masset with a copy to a.arianoff at tel.: 0472 08 16 59
Сайт/Site :

4)   le vendredi 24 janvier 2020
Catégorie : Etudiants Type : Festival 
Centre Culturel et Scientifique auprès de la Russie à Bruxelles, rue du Méridien 21, 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)
  St. Tatiana's Day - Students Festival. Татьянин День - Праздник студента.
Illustration. CCSRB. St. Tatiana|s Day - Students Festival. Татьянин День - Праздник студента. 2020-01-24

St. Tatiana's Day - Students Festival.
Татьянин День - Праздник студента.
à 17 heures
Round table "Brussels Dialogue. Students communities of Russia and Europe"
Experts : Russian and European Institutions responsible for education, Erasmus+ Programme, College of Europe, MGIMO-University, Moscow State University, European Students Union, Russian Students Union etc.
Topics for discussion :
- Access of young people to education;
- Student’s self-management: formats, experience, perspectives;
- Students exchanges;
- Future of education and future professions.
* * *
Круглый стол «Студенческие сообщества России и Европы»
Эксперты: Российские и европейские структуры сферы образования, Эразмус+, МГИМО, МГУ, Европейский студенческий союз, Всероссийский студенческий союз
Темы для обсуждения :
- Студенческое самоуправление: формы, опыт, перспективы;
- Доступ молодежи к образованию;
- Студенческие обмены;
- Будущее образования и будущие профессии.

à 19 heures
Student's day. Festive concert
Saint Tatiana became the patroness of students. “Tatyana’s Day” began to be celebrated first as the Moscow university’s birthday. Russian Center in Brussels supports thу wonderful tradition of celebration Student's Day by organizing a Round table "Brussels Dialogue. Students communities of Russia and Europe", a “kapustnik” - a humorous student concert - and a Russian “sbiten” - a “national” drink of Moscow University.

День студента.
Праздничный концерт-капустник
Русский центр в Брюсселе поддерживает замечательную традицию празднования Дня студенчества – круглым столом, юмористическим студенческим концертом и русским сбитнем – «национальным» напитком Московского университета.
Free registration

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)