Russian cultural events calendar : Beslan. Mémoire. Беслан. Память.

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 4 notices à la date 2014-05-16 du calendrier.
    4             2    
1)   du vendredi 16 mai 2014 au lundi 16 juin 2014
     à 18 heures

Catégorie : Film Type : Cinéma 
Centre Culturel et Scientifique auprès de la Russie à Bruxelles, rue du Méridien 21, 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)
  Beslan. Mémoire. Беслан. Память.
Affiche. CCSRB. Beslan. Mémoire. Беслан. Память. Film documentaie de Vadim Tsalikov. 2014-05-16
Beslan. Mémoire. Беслан. Память.
Association sans but lucratif « Renaissance-Sandidzan »
Премьера документального фильма В. Цаликова « Беслан. Память ».
Avant-première du documentaire de Vadim Tsalikov « Beslan. Mémoire ».
Production du studio « M-Film », Moscou 2014. En présence du réalisateur et de certains personnages du film.
Entrée libre. Свободный вход.
Телефон : 02 219 01 33 / Courriel : centcultrus at skynet dot be

2)   le vendredi 16 mai 2014
     aanvang : 19:30' uur

Catégorie : Projection film Type : Cinéma 
Protestants Sociaal Centrum, Lange Stuivenbergstraat 54 – 56, 2060 Antwerpen. (buurt Stuivenbergziekenhuis)
  Filmvertoning Alexander Nevsky.
door Sovjet-cineast Sergei Eisenstein
Inleiding : Filip Vanderbeek ; Nabespreking : Bruno Bove (Eisensteinspecialist)
SPOETNIK Antwerpen hoopt u te verwelkomen !
Toegang : gratis. Tevens SPOETNIK- info en boekenstand.

3)   le vendredi 16 mai 2014
     à 20 heures

Catégorie : Concert Type : Musique classique 
Cercle de l'orgue et du piano, rue de Fragnée 155-157, 4000 liège
  Olivier Poumay (harmonica) et Lyuba Neva (piano) en concert.
Affiche. Olivier Poumay (harmonica) et Lyuba Neva (piano) en concert. 2014-05-16

Olivier Poumay et Lyuba Neva
D'Antonio Vivaldi à nos jours en passant par Gabriel Fauré, Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky, Dimitri Shostakovitch, Robert Schumann, Giacomo Puccini, Claude Debussy, Arvo Pärt, Astor Piazzolla, Olivier Poumay,...
Entrée : 10 €
Informations : 0471 29 24 02

4)   le vendredi 16 mai 2014
     à partir de 18.00 heures

Catégorie : soirée Type : Musique 
Aloft Brussels Schuman, rue Belliard 196, Sushi’s Place, 1040 Bruxelles
  Russian cultural Fridays : Perestrojka!
Illustration. Bruxelles. Russian cultural fridays. Perestrojka. 2014-05-16

Russian cultural fridays. Perestrojka. []
From 18.00 till 22.00 we will have a special dinner with a variety of traditional Russian dishes!
From 18.00 we will enjoy evening, full of music from our duo : Marynka Krilova and D. J. Goldfinger
Till late night dance with us and disco music in « Russian Style » with D. J. Goldfinger, specially invited from Amsterdam!
Dear colleagues and friends,
We would like to invite you to our next and the last, before summer break, Russian Cultural Friday, with the following topic : « Perestrojka! »
This event will take place on the 16th of May 2014, Friday, at the premises of next door to Aloft Hotel, Sushi’ Place in Brussels, and it be dedicated to alternative, untamed and underground creative movements of Perestrojka’s period!
Our event will focus on the creative energy emitted by passionate heroes, who created alternative culture in the late stagnation years, which is also known by the Russian word Perestrojka, which literally means « reconstruction ».
During this period of drastic political change, economical instability, lack of financial resources there was happening an outburst of creativity, do-it-yourself enthusiasm and exciting search for the new ways of expression, despite the dangers and insecurities of such activity.A highly dynamic self-made culture emerged just before the Perestrojka and quickly set trends for future developments in art, fashion and music.
Though isolated from the rest of the world, the more sensitive young people tuned in to the ideas that were « hanging in the air » all around the world and communicated « signs of the time » through music, fashion and lifestyle.
They created a world of their own, which served as a bright alternative to the depressing reality of the last days of communism.
This was a relatively short, but extremely inspiring period in the 90s of previous century...
Come and join us for creative presentations, life music and dance performances, Perestrojka’s period’s film and photos’ exhibition from Moscow subculture archives and more! Special Spasibo for our partner and friend, Maxim Goldfinger and his “Window to Europe” Foundation for all the artistic & creative support!
Source : East Inform / publications / May 2014
The cost of our evening program with the dinner is 25 euros (please make reservations before the 15th of May by email : reservations at caravancultura dot org)
Suggested dress code : « Perestrojka »… and the winner will get a special prize from the organizers!
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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)