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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 3 notices à la date 2014-09-25 du calendrier.
    3             2    
1)   le jeudi 25 septembre 2014
  EU-Russia Researchers´ Mobility Forum.
The focus of the EU-Russia Researcher's Mobility Forum will be partnership in science through mobility of researchers. To illustrate the benefits of and opportunities for mobile researchers, the event will showcase success stories from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), a programme set up by the European Commission to support researchers in all phases of their careers and in all scientific disciplines and foster mobility across borders and sectors.

The focus of the EU-Russia Researcher's Mobility Forum will be partnership in science through mobility of researchers. To illustrate the benefits of and opportunities for mobile researchers, the event will showcase success stories from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), a programme set up by the European Commission to support researchers in all phases of their careers and in all scientific disciplines and foster mobility across borders and sectors.

For scientists and professionals in research and higher education, the EU-Russia Researchers' Mobility Forum will provide a platform for exchange of experiences, and a chance to build on productive and mutually beneficial partnerships. Fellows who have benefited from MSCA funding will present their own work at a poster session combined with elevator pitch for an even greater impact and more dynamic presentation. The event will also feature special interdisciplinary sessions dedicated to health, climate change and nanotechnology research – main EU-Russia research areas covered by the MSCA.

Kamila Partyka
Policy Officer DG EAC, European Commission, Belgium
kamila.partyka at

Anna Pikalova
National Contact Point for MSCA,
National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Russia
apikalova at
Event website
Сайт/Site :

2)   le jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Catégorie : Industries Type : Forum 
---, Bruxelles
  EU-Russia Researchers´ Mobility Forum.
The focus of the EU-Russia Researcher's Mobility Forum will be partnership in science through mobility of researchers. To illustrate the benefits of and opportunities for mobile researchers, the event will showcase success stories from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), a programme set up by the European Commission to support researchers in all phases of their careers and in all scientific disciplines and foster mobility across borders and sectors.

For scientists and professionals in research and higher education, the EU-Russia Researchers' Mobility Forum will provide a platform for exchange of experiences, and a chance to build on productive and mutually beneficial partnerships. Fellows who have benefited from MSCA funding will present their own work at a poster session combined with elevator pitch for an even greater impact and more dynamic presentation. The event will also feature special interdisciplinary sessions dedicated to health, climate change and nanotechnology research – main EU-Russia research areas covered by the MSCA.
Contact :
  • Kamila Partyka, Policy Officer DG EAC, European Commission, Belgium
    +32 229 998 42 / kamila.partyka at ec.europa dot eu
  • Anna Pikalova, National Contact Point for MSCA, National Research University « Higher School of Economics », Russia
    +74 956 28 32 54 / apikalova at hse dot ru
  • 3)   du jeudi 25 septembre 2014 au vendredi 26 septembre 2014
    Catégorie : Présentation livre Type : Littérature 
    РЦНК в Брюсселе.
    Centre Culturel et Scientifique auprès de la Russie à Bruxelles, rue du Méridien 21, 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)

      Présentation livre de B. P. Izmaïlov.
    Акция « Эстафета памяти » : презентация книги Б. П. Измайлова « Их подвиг бессмертен » о памятниках советским воинам, погибшим в годы Второй мировой войны и установленным за рубежом, литературно-музыкальная композиция.
    Entrée libre. Вход свободный.
    Tél.: 02 219 01 33 / courriel : centcultrus at skynet dot be
    План мероприятий Российского центра науки и культуры в Брюсселе (представительства Россотрудничества в Бельгии) на сентябрь 2014 года"

    Calendrier / Affiches du mois | Livre d'or → consultation / signature | Enquête → besoins des contacts | Bordereau → notice (réservé) | inscription | Liens → agendas similaires | livres-souvenirs

    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)