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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 2 notices à la date 2015-11-26 du calendrier.
    2             2    
1)   du jeudi 26 novembre 2015 au samedi 19 décembre 2015
     Les jeudis, vendredis et samedis de 11 à 18 heures

Catégorie : Peintures Type : Exposition 
MB-XL contemporary & modern, chaussée de Boondael 537, 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)
  Exposition Michel Moskovtchenko « Natures et formes ».
Affiche. MB-XL Exposition Michel Moskovtchenko « Natures et formes ». 2015-11-26
Exposition Michel Moskovtchenko « Natures et formes ».
Organisateur : PR Caracas
Exposition Michel Moskovtchenko « Natures et formes ».
Born in 1936, Michel Moskovtchenko had a happy and rustic childhood in the mountains near Lyon. His father, who had Russian origins, was a country doctor. The young boy was soon attracted by drawing and became an appren5ce in a silk workshop to pay his evening classes at the Beaux Arts School. Afer few travels around the world and some intense working periods during which he acquired different new techniques, the young artist settled at the beginning of the sixties in a small stone house and began feeding himself with landscapes. His art works feature in prestigious collections, such as The Elysée's one, and were showed in important exhibitions, such as his solo exhibition in Le Centre Pompidou in Paris in 1978.
In Moskovtchenko artworks, there is first a fascination for lines. The ones given by the bowels of the earth and the ones deployed by trees. As a dreamy but obsessive spectator, the artist creates poetry of drops and rocks. His lines get lost in the branches details and find refuge in their shades. Rooted in the Provence landscapes, his art escapes, however, kitsch and false picturesque subjects. Energy doesn't seem to come from the sky but from the earth. Feminine figures that emerge from his works keep a mineral aspect. Men remain invisible but their presence materializes throughout ochre quarries and dry stonewalls. These patterns of a great graphic beauty seem to explore human vulnerability.
Engraving, oil painting, drawing, drypoint etching, or even sculpture, Moskovtchenko appropriate all the techniques to transcend his subject. Multiform, rich, bewitching, his works inspired a great number of artists, as Charles Juliet.
Renseignements 02 644 96 51 / paloma at mb-xl dot com
Сайт/Site :

2)   du jeudi 26 novembre 2015 au vendredi 8 janvier 2016
     Vernissage le 26 novembre 2015 à partir de 18 heures

Catégorie : Peintures Type : Exposition 
Atelier d'artistes - Art Gallery, rue Saint-Jean 33, 1000 Bruxelles
  Mestchersky: Une illusion fantastique - Déconstruction de l’esthétique des formes.
Affiche. Atelier d|artistes à Bruxelles. Gaëtan Bonny présente le peintre Boris Mestchersky. 2015-11-26
Atelier d'artistes à Bruxelles
Boris Mestchersky
Gaëtan Bonny présente le peintre Boris Mestchersky.
Soyez les bienvenus pour partager un moment de convivialité....
Le vernissage a été feutré suite aux événements de Paris ainsi qu’au niveau de sécurité.
Nous pensons organiser un autre événement public d’ici deux-trois semaines afin de donner à cette exposition l’écho qu’elle mérite.

La Galerie est ouverte du jeudi au samedi de 10 à 18 heures, le dimanche de 11 à 17 heures
Renseignements par téléphone : 0477 59 74 27 / courriel : info at atelierdartistes dot be

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)