Russian cultural events calendar : Concert Elodie Vignon.

Calendrier d'événements à caractère culturel russe en Belgique
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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 2 notices à la date 2015-03-26 du calendrier.
    2             2    
1)   le jeudi 26 mars 2015
     à 20 heures

Catégorie : Private concert Type : Musique 
La Ronde Musicale, rue de la Chapelle 7, 1000 Bruxelles
  Concert Elodie Vignon.
Affiche. Bruxelles. Ronde Musicale. Concert privé Elodie Vignon. 2015-03-26
Concert Elodie Vignon.
La Ronde Musicale
« Musicalité, plasticité, raffinement, ductilité, puissance du jeu, pléiade de couleurs,…telle est Elodie Vignon ». Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri
She has featured at prestigious music festivals such as the Palm Beach Atlantic International Piano Festival in Florida and played under the direction of Philippe Entremont.
Please visit her at to get a taste of her extraordinary play.
The concert will start at 20h00 featuring works of Beethoven, Chopin and Debussy.
You are invited to enjoy, during our aperitif starting from 19h00, the paintings of Armenian artist Grant Sukiasian (see as well as the latest woman's collection of Kiev-based fashion designer Larisa Zdorenko.
After the concert you will have the occasion to talk with the artist in an informal setting with food and drinks.
Please be prepared to contribute to this musical evening with 35 € per person. I would be grateful if you could let me know if you can come by 22 March [oksanabogo at yahoo dot com].
I'm looking forward to welcoming you on 26 March. Oksana.

2)   le jeudi 26 mars 2015
Catégorie : Finance Type : Conférence 
  POSTPONED TO DECEMBER 2015 <= Conference on banking systems and relations between BeNeLux and Russian banks.
Logo. Cachet. CCBLR. 2015-02-25
Banking day.

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
On behalf of our Chamber and the Banking Technology Club, part of the federation for the technological industry Agoria, we
would like to invite you and your colleagues at our conference on banking systems and business relations between banks of
Russia and the Benelux countries.
The conference will take place on 26 March 2015 in Brussels (Diamant Building, Reyerslaan 80). Representatives of the
following banks will take the floor during this conference: Euroclear, ING, Raiffeisen Bank, VTB Bank, Representative Office of
Join the other participants from the banking industry and entrepreneurs working already or starting their business in/with
Russia. We will analyse during these sessions the current problems faced by banks and their customers in today’s turbulent
geopolitical reality, as well have testimonials on some success stories.
Date & time: 26 March 2015 from 10.00 to 13.00
Venue: DIAMANT Conference & Business Centre: 80 Bd. A. Reyers LN, 1030 Brussels
Draft programme (status 02.02.2015):
10.00 – Registration
10.20 – Welcome words
10.30 – "Euroclear Bank's cooperation with the Russian banking infrastructure" by Mr. Frédéric Hannequart, Chairman of
Euroclear Bank
10.45 – Speech by ING Bank (tbc)
11.00 – "Russian Economic & Banking outlook in times of Ukraine crisis: Russia's hard line meets perfect storm" by Mr.
Gunter Deuber, Director, Head of CEE Research, and Mr. Harald Stoffaneller, Chief Representative France & Belgium of
Raiffeisen Bank International
11.15 – Speech by VTB Bank (Office of Russian bank in France) (tbc)
11.30 – Speech by Representative Office of Vnesheconombank (Office of Russian bank in France) (tbc)
11.45 - Q&A by Mr. Daniel Stevens, CCBLR Vice President
12.00 – 13.00 – Walking lunch

Registration form, including your First / Last Name, Company, Function, Post address, VAT Number, PO number, Email,
Web site, Amount of the relevant registration fee, Date, to be returned before 16 March 2015 to Agoria,
debbie.thys at agoria dot be with a copy to evelyne.vandurme at agoria dot be.
Registration fee to be paid after receipt of the invoice :
  • for members of Banking Technology Club and/or CCBLR: 75,00 EUR VAT excl. VAT per person (+21 % VAT)
  • for non-members of Banking Technology Club and/or CCBLR: 150,00 EUR VAT excl. VAT per person (+21 % VAT)
    Cancellation conditions:
    Cancellations must be confirmed by e-mail or by fax.
    No refund will b

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    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)