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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 2 notices à la date 2016-05-20 du calendrier.
    2             2    
1)   le vendredi 20 mai 2016
Catégorie : Histoire Type : Littérature 
Published by Coronet, Hodder& Stoughton Ltd, Victoria Embarkment 50, GB - EC4Y oDZ London
  2017: War With Russia. An Urgent Warning from Senior Military Command.
Couverture. 2017 War With Russia. An Urgent Warning from Senior Military Command. 2016-05-20
2017 War With Russia, by Richard Shirreff.
by Richard Shirreff
'You fail to read this book at your peril' - Admiral James G Stavridis, US Navy, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe.

Closely modelled on his NATO experience of war gaming future conflicts, 2017 War With Russia is a chilling account of where we are heading if we fail to recognise the threat posed by the Russian president.

Written by the recently retired Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe and endorsed by senior military figures, this book shows how war with Russia could erupt with the bloodiest and most appalling consequences if the necessary steps are not taken urgently.

President Putin said: 'We have all the reasons to believe that the policy of containment of Russia which was happening in the 18th, 19th and 20th century is still going on...' And 'If you press the spring, it will release at some point. Something you should remember.'

Like any 'strongman', the Russian president's reputation for strength is everything. Lose momentum, fail to give the people what they want and he fails. The President has already demonstrated that he has no intention of failing. He has already started a lethal dynamic which, unless checked right now, could see him invade the Baltic states.

Russia's invasion and seizure of Georgia in 2008 was our 'Rhineland moment'. We ignored the warning signs - as we did back in the 1930s - and we made it 'business as usual'.

Crimea in 2014 was the President's 'Sudetenland moment' and again he got away with it. Since 2014 Russia has invaded Ukraine. The Baltics could be next.

Our political leaders assume that nuclear deterrence will save us. General Sir Richard Shirreff shows us why this will not wash.
Coronet, RRP£20, 448 pages
Kindle Edition, 448 pages
Published May 19th 2016 by Coronet
Сайт/Site :

2)   le vendredi 20 mai 2016
     в 19:00 часов

В приходском зале при храме свят. Николая, Am Industriehof 18, D - 60487 Frankfurt am Main
  Фортепианный концерт в исполнении Леонида Голубева.
Invitation. Frankfurt. Фортепианный концерт в исполнении Леонида Голубева. 2016-05-20
Фортепианный концерт в исполнении Леонида Голубева
Произведения Бетховена, Дебюсси, Равеля, Пуленка, Скрябина, Рахманинова.
Leonid Golubev (Klavier)
Leonid Golubev wurde 1968 in Suchumi (Abchasien) geboren und begann im Alter von 7 Jahren seine Musikausbildung an der berühmten Moskauer Knabenchorschule „Sweschnikov“.
Er studierte am Moskauer Tschajkowskij-Konservatorium Chordirigat bei Professor Viktor Popov und später Klavier an der Musikhochschule in Karlsruhe, arbeitete an der Chorkunstakademie Moskau.
Als Pianist spielte Leonid Golubev mit dem Kammerchor Oberpleis auf dessen Konzertreisen nach Frankreich (1997) und Tschechien (1998). Er wirkte an den Konzertprojekten der Moskauer Knabenchorkapelle (2012, „Christmas Around The World“-Tour in Kanada und den USA) und den Aufführungen von Rossinis „Petite messe solennelle“ unter der Leitung von Christian Lorenz.
2010 veröffentlichte Leonid seine erste Solo-CD, die er dem Andenken seines Lehrers Viktor Popov widmete.
Leonid Golubev tritt als Solist und Klavierbegleiter in Moskau und Umgebung auf, zurzeit befindet er sich auf einer Konzertreise durch Deutschland.

1. Teil
L. van Beethoven Sonate Nr. 8 in c-moll, op. 13 “Pathetique”
Sonate Nr. 14 in cis-moll, op. 27/2 “Mondscheinsonate”

2. Teil
C. Debussy Claire de lune
M. Ravel Le gibet („Galgen“) aus dem Zyklus „Gaspard de la nuit“
F. Poulenc Promenades (Auszüge)
A. Skrjabin Deux poèmes ор. 32
S. Rachmaninov Préludes gis-moll ор. 32/12 und cis-moll, op. 3/2
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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)