Russian cultural events calendar : Eternal song.

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 4 notices à la date 2012-12-01 du calendrier.
    4             2    
1)   du samedi 1 décembre 2012 au dimanche 2 décembre 2012
     à 14 heures / 16 heures

Catégorie : Poésie Type : Théâtre 
Théâtre Royal de Namur, Grand Manège, rue Rogier 82, 5000 Namur
Tél. : 081-25.61.61|  Fax : 081-25.61.60

  Eternal song.
Mise en scène Alexei Leliavski, Irina Yuryeva Avec Sviatlana Ben, Aliaksandra Patsey, Aliaksey Donin, Ihar Kazakou
L’Eternal Song est un poème de Yanka Kupala écrit en 1908. Il est célébré en Biélorussie en tant que poème national. Il nous parle de la vie d’un homme, de sa naissance à sa mort et traduit de façon exemplaire l’existence tragique de toute une nation. Un poème sur les talents et les maux de la vie.

Сайт/Site :

2)   du samedi 1 décembre 2012 au dimanche 2 décembre 2012
     à 7 heures 30'

Catégorie : Tourisme Type : Voyages 
  Excursion en autobus à Baden-Baden et Strasbourg-Marché de Noël. Автобусная экскурсия в Баден-Баден и Страсбург - Рождественские ярмарки.
RC Автобусная экскурсия в Баден-Баден и Страсбург. Marché de Noël à Strasbourg. 2012-12-01
Татьяна Корнеева
Русскоговорящий экскурсовод
Баден-Баден - курортная столица Европы
- скозочная предпразничная атмосфера и многометровая елка, ярмарка с подарками и сувенирами, оркестры и театральные представления, изделия местных ремесленников и художественного творчества, стаканчик глинтвейна и рождественское настроение.
А так же:
- визит частного русского музея с уникальной коллекцией Фаберже ;
- экскурсия по городу по следам русских писателей и знаменитых людей ;
- вечер отдыха в оздоровительных термах с минеральной водой (по желанию).
Ночь в отеле 3*** с завтраком, который находится в центре города.

Страсбург (на следующий день)
- посещение самой старинной и красочной рождественской ярмарки Европы.
- часовая прогулка на корабле по Рейну.

Цена: 160 € | Отправление : 7.30 – Брюссель, Автобусная станция Северного Вокзала « Euroline », gare du Nord
Резервация и предоплата 80 € обязательна по тел : 0484 69 36 07 | 0485 55 38 61

3)   du samedi 1 décembre 2012 au mercredi 24 avril 2013
Catégorie : Visite guidée Type : Exposition 
Van Abbemuseum, Bilderdijklaan 10, Eindhoven, Pays-Bas
T +31 (0)40 238 1000 | info at vanabbemuseum dot nl

  Lissitzky - Kabakov : Utopia and Reality | Utopie en werkelijkheid.
Illustration. Eindhoven. Lissitzky - Kabakov. Utopia and Reality | Utopie en werkelijkheid. 2012-12-01
Another great event happening at the Van Abbemuseum is the joint exhibition between Ilya and Emiia Kabakov and El Lissitzky. This display showcases, for the first time, two of the most important Russian artists of the 20th century. Their work is a wide overview of Russian history starting with the revolutions at the beginning of the 1900s and finishing with the collapse of the Berlin wall in 1989. The work of Lissitzky and Kabakov give viewers the opportunity to see and reflect on the art, politics and culture during the difficult intervening years or Russian history. It is a great opportunity for art goers to discover a different world of art from such a rich and interesting part of Russian history. This collaboration includes some works from the State Tretyakov in Moscow, Centre Pompidou, private collections from the artists and even reproductions from the Kabakov collection. The exhibition is one of the most ambitious events in the history of the Van Abbemusem, so come out and enjoy a wonderful day of Russian art! For more information on the exhibition, visit their website.

The Van Abbemuseum asked the artists Ilya and Emilia Kabakov to organise an exhibition of their work together with that of El Lissitzky, as guest curators. The State Tretyakov Galery, the Guggenheim Museum and Centre Pompidou as well as some private collectors provided the exhibition with a number of interesting works. Some installations were renovated specially on the occasion of the current exhibition.
The exhibition is part of the Dutch – Russian bilateral year and travels to the Hermitage in St. Petersburg and the Multimedia Art Museum (MAMM) in Moscow in 2013.

The Van Abbemuseum asked the artists Ilya (b. 1933) and Emilia (b. 1945) Kabakov to organise an exhibition of their work together with that of El Lissitzky (1890–1941), as guest curators. For the Lissitzky – Kabakov exhibition, they made an extensive selection from their own work and that of Lissitzky. It is the first time that the oeuvres of these famous 20th-century Russian artists are being presented together. Bringing together Lissitzky and the Kabakovs completes the circle which started with the revolutions in the early years of the twentieth century and finished with the upheavals of 1989. The confrontation between early Soviet art and that of the later Soviet era presents opportunities for a better understanding of the art and culture of the intervening period. In addition to works from the collection of the Kabakovs and the Van Abbemuseum, there will be loans from the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the Guggenheim Museum in New York and Centre Pompidou in Paris, as well as from a number of private collections. Some of the Kabakovs' installations have also been recreated for this occasion.

Two sides of the Soviet coin : Lissitzky's enthusiasm for the revolution and his involvement in the new social order is present everywhere in the exhibition. In contrast, one constantly comes across the Kabakovs' melancholic but also humorous representation and interpretation of the conditions of the late Soviet era. The mother country of both the artists had become a place where the rhetoric of progress had run aground on the everyday reality of life in that society. Nevertheless, it proved possible to re-emerge from this twilight zone.

Publication : There is a detailed catalogue available in Dutch and English for the exhibition, with an in-depth article by the Kabakov expert Professors Boris Groys, an imaginary interview with Lissitzky by Professor John Milner, an expert in avant-garde Russian art, and an interview with Ilya and Emilia Kabakov by the artist Anton Vidokle. All the works in the exhibition are shown in colour, arranged in accordance with the themes in the exhibition. Finally, the book contains an illustrated image biography of the artists.

Guest curators : Ilya and Emilia Kabakov | Curator Van Abbemuseum : Charles Esche | Project leader Van Abbemuseum : Willem Jan Renders

The exhibition is part of NLRF2013, the Dutch – Russian year and is scheduled to travel to the Hermitage in St. Petersburg and the Multimedia Art Museum (MAMM) in Moscow in 2013.

For more information on Lissitzky – Kabakov, Utopia and Reality you can visit
Or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

The exhibition is made possible with the support of Ammodo, BankGiro Loterij, Mondriaan Fund, SNS REAAL Fonds, Turing Foundation and VSB Fonds.
Сайт/Site :[ptype]=18&tx_vabdisplay_pi1[project]=976

4)   le samedi 1 décembre 2012
LIVRES VIDEOS   Wall Street et la révolution bolchévique.
Anthony Sutton
Wall Street, los nazis y la revolucion bolchevique Antony C. Sutton
28 vues au 3/02/2018 / durée 39'59"
Published on Apr 24, 2015, by 9/11isa.j.fraud
en anglais sous-titré en espagnol

Wall Street, Nazis y La Revolución Bolchevique
Published on Oct 3, 2011 by xxxNoticiasxxx
17,236 views au 3/02/2018

Entrevista realizada en 1980 por Stanley Monteith de Radio Liberty al profesor Antony C. Sutton. Muchos de los datos comentados aquí por este profesor se incluyeron en posts pasados de este blog (trinity a tierra) sobre la historia oculta. Si resultan reveladores para tí no pienses que ese día no fuiste a clase, sino que toda esta información nos ha sido ocultada de forma continua, deliberada y muy malintencionada durante años. ¿Por qué?. Obviamente porque de lo contrario la farsa política del siglo XX (que aun dura y dura y dura y dura como las pilas del conejito en el siglo XXI) no podría haber sido creada y mantenida de ninguna manera. ¡Feliz revelación! ¡Bienvenido a la desprogramación! Editorial: El Dr. Sutton venía investigando sobre hechos muy llamativos: Wall Street había financiado en su momento la caída del zarismo y la ascensión de Hitler al poder y no se explicaba que relación podría haber que hiciera que Wall Street no solo financiase extremos tan opuestos como Lenin y Hitler; sino que además les vendiese aquello que necesitaban para desarrollarse y convertirse en enemigos mortales. No encontraba en suma la causa por la que Wall Street había financiado a ambos bandos colaborando en generar así la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Editorial:
Anthony C. Sutton, Wall Street et la révolution bolchevique (Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution), La Fenderie, Le Retour aux sources, 2012 (édition originale en 1976), 382 pages, 19 €. => Un compte rendu de Jean-Guillaume Lanuque
=> Un mot sur Antony Cyril Sutton

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)