Russian cultural events calendar : Hermitage Fine Art Autumn 2020. Upcoming Auction and July Sale Results.

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)   le jeudi 1 octobre 2020
Catégorie : Enchères Type : Vente 
Hermitage Fine Art Monaco, avenue de la Madone 4, MC-98000 Monaco
  Hermitage Fine Art Autumn 2020. Upcoming Auction and July Sale Results.
Auction fine art, russian art, July 2020 Sale Results.
We are very pleased to announce that Hermitage Fine Art will hold its next sales in Autumn and we officially invite our dear clients and friends to send their consignments for the categories of Russian Art & History, Fine Art, Manuscripts and Photographs.

1. Unique jeweled silver-gilt kovsh Fabergé was sold for 14 0SS00 €.
2. Magnificent painting by Korovin, Troika in a Russian village, was sold for 45 100 €.

We are also happy to share with you the outstanding results of our last July sales. Despite of the lockdown, our staff managed to put together an impressive selection of lots that did not deceive.
The Russian Art auction sold particularly well, attracting attention with its soviet porcelain collection, of which many lots were sold. The assortments of silver and Fabergé lots were also successful, selling for example a jeweled silver-gilt kovsh for 14,000€. The paintings section was extremely varied and included historical portraits, like the Tyurin Ivan Alexeevitch’s portrait of Alexander III of Russia sold for 69,000€, the Tischbein’s portrait of Augustus Kotzebue (20,000€), and names like Korovin (45,100€), Klever (10,000€) or Timofeev (24,000€) from the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as more contemporary works like Nazarenko’s collection, one of which sold for 22,000€. Icons proved interesting as well, an example is “Our Lady of Kazan” sold for 1,000€ and “Vladimirskaya Mother of God” sold for 1,800€.

1. Portrait of Alexander III by Tyurin was sold for 69 000 €.
2. “Vladimirskaya Mother of God” icon was sold for 1 800 €.

1. Soviet porcelain propaganda plate: ‘History of the October Takeover. 1917’, State Porcelain Factory, 1921 Blank of the Imperial Porcelain Factory, 1902 was sold for 17 300 €.
2. First snow by Tatyana Nazarenko was sold for 19 000 €.

The Rare Books and Manuscripts collection did very well as in all our past sales, both for Russian and international lots. Some winners among Russian autographs are The queen of spades and Suite for orchestra, with signature and dedication by composer Tchaikovsky (16,000€); an autograph by A. Blok (1880-1921) on a handwritten poem (33,500€). Other important sales were a rare lot by the famous collector Matsukata Kojiro (1866-1950), sold for 2,000€; a photograph by W. Gloeden – Naked boy (2,100€); a letter carrying Isabelle I of Castille’s signature (1,100€).

1. Louis Valtat, Sous-bois au Printemps was sold for 25 200 €.
2. Nature Morte aux Tournesols by Claude Venard was sold for 13 000 €.

On July 8th the Fine Art collection was just stunning and buyers appreciated the variety of artists and artistic movements. Among the top sales are Louis Valtat, Sous-bois au Printemps, sold for 25,200€, Felix Varla’s Still life with sunflowers and grapes, sold for 5,000€ or Nature Morte aux Tournesols by Claude Venard which was sold for 13,000€.

Among Objects of Vertu and other decorative objects, we sold some fine and rare examples like two beautiful Baccarat lots, a vintage Cartier silver gilt letter opener (1,100€) or a rotating bird singing box by Reuge Music Saintes-Croix (3,600€).
* The prices in € include the buyer's premium.

1. The queen of spades and Suite for orchestra, with signature and dedication by composer Tchaikovsky was sold for 16 000 €.
2. Rotating bird singing box by Reuge Music Saintes-Croix was sold for 3 600 €.

Consign now, Kind regards, Hermitage Fine Art
Our experts will be delighted to offer you free and confidential expertise whether it be a single piece or an entire collection.
To enquire about consignment, please contact us at info at
Tél.: +377 9 777 39 80
Сайт/Site :
1) le jeudi 1 octobre Hermitage Fine Art Autumn 2020. Upcoming Auction and July Sale Results. MC-98000 Monaco
2) le jeudi 1 octobre Neurosciences et stress. Internet
3) le jeudi 1 octobre Russian Centre for Science and Culture in Brussels. New Season. Новый сезон. 2020— 2021. 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode)
4) le vendredi 9 octobre Vedette Alban Ivanov. 1000 Bruxelles
5) le samedi 10 octobre LIVRES Каталогъ ROSSica SEXta. После Россiи : Поэзiя русской эмиграцiи, кпиги и обзоры. Après la Russie : la muse de l’exil. Paris
6) du samedi 17 octobre au dimanche 18 octobre Excursion en autobus. Мон Сант Мишел. Mont Saint-Michel
7) du mardi 15 septembre au dimanche 18 octobre Sorcière. F-75006 Paris
8) le mercredi 21 octobre Un ambassadeur russe à Paris. F-75006 Paris
9) le jeudi 22 octobre Городской аперитив с русским акцентом. 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)
10) le samedi 24 octobre Yellow Flame / Aanhef koning Artur. 9000 Gent
11) le samedi 24 octobre Yellow flame with guests. 9000 Gent
12) le dimanche 25 octobre GROUPES Генеалогическое собрание. Историки, Психологи, Социологи, Журналисты и Вы.
13) du samedi 11 avril au mercredi 28 octobre Voyages culturels en Russie. Russie
14) du mercredi 28 octobre au jeudi 29 octobre Russian Art - Fine Art - Manuscripts - Photographs. MC-98000 Monaco
15) le vendredi 30 octobre LIVRES BLRB East Inform - Autumn 2020. 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)
16) le vendredi 30 octobre ARTICLES Sergei Medvedev's « The Return of the Russian Leviathan » Wins 2020 Pushkin House Book Prize.
17) du vendredi 1 mai au lundi 30 novembre Marble Metaphysiscs by Sergey Khorikov. 2390 Westmalle
18) du mardi 1 septembre au jeudi 31 décembre Un trimestre scolaire en Russie. 1160 Bruxelles (Auderghem)
19) du mardi 1 septembre au 31-01-2021 Un semestre scolaire en Russie. 1160 Bruxelles (Auderghem)
20) du dimanche 25 octobre au 18-04-2021 Halinka Jakubowska - Exposition de sculptures - L’Essence de la Matière. 4020 Liège
21) du samedi 1 août au 30-06-2021 Une année scolaire en Russie. 1160 Bruxelles (Auderghem)

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)