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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 4 notices à la date 2018-06-26 du calendrier.
    4             2    

Liste des titres des 4 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) An Analysis of Energy Security and Geo-economics. [2018-06-26 | 1000 Bruxelles]
2) LIVRES An Anti-Bolshevik Alternative : The White Movement and the Civil War in the Russian North. [2018-06-26 | Madison, Wisconsin ]
3) Concerts de carillon de la Cathédrale Saint-Paul de Liège 2018 - année de la Russie. [2018-06-26 | 4000 Liège ]
4) Revivre l'invasion russe de Prague avec Josef Koudelka. [2018-06-26 | ]

1)   du mardi 26 juin 2018 au dimanche 12 août 2018
     Registration will open at 17:30

Catégorie : Géopolitique Type : Conférence 
Club Royal des Guides, rue d’Arlon 32, 1000 Bruxelles
  An Analysis of Energy Security and Geo-economics.
Invitation. Conference. An Analysis of Energy Security and Geo-economics. Mises Circle with Dr. Robert M. Cutler. 2018-06-26
Mises Circle with Dr. Robert M. Cutler.
Mises Circle with Dr. Robert M. Cutler.
We would like to invite you to our upcoming Mises Circle « The Place of the Caspian Sea in EU Policy” »with Dr. Robert M. CUTLER, Energy Security and Geo-Economics expert.
Speaker :
Dr. Robert M. Cutler, Energy Security and Geo - economics Expert
Moderator :
Dr. Annette Godart – van der Kroon, President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe
Programme :
17:30 –18:00 – Registration
18:00–18:10 – Opening words by Mrs. Godart-van der Kroon
18:10–18:40 – Dr. Robert M. Cutler
18:40–19:30 – Discussion
The Caspian Sea is an essential issue concerning EU relations not only with regard to enlargement negotiations, but also the energy sector. Whereas the dispute about the pipelines in the Southern gas Corridor sparks controversy, it furthermore highlights underlying geo-economic disputes and beyond, between the parties involved due to its richness in natural resources on and off-shore. Thus, it is essential for the European Union to implement a successful strategy in order to deal with the challenges at hand with the Caspian Sea.
The event will take place on June 26th, 2018, at Club Royal des Guides, Rue d’Arlon 32, Brussels.
We are delighted to welcome you to the event!

Dr. Robert M. Cutler
After teaching 14 different subjects in international relations, comparative politics and political philosophy, Dr. Robert M. Cutler expanded into policy analysis and consulting, foremost as an Energy Security and Geo-economic specialist covering Eurasia.
Currently, he is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of European, Russian & Eurasian Studies at Carleton University, Ottawa.
He consults international institutions, governments and the private sector on policy issues, leads research teams and produces briefings and analytical bulletins. Dr. Cutler has a strong online presence and has published numerous articles in academic journals, besides serving on policy-review editorial boards, executive committees and policy research organizations.

Mrs. Annette Godart-van der Kroon
Annette Godart-van der Kroon is President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute -Europe. Under her guidance, the Institute has organized a multitude of successfulconferences and dinner debates since its establishment in 2002.
LVMI -Europe has a Boardof Directors composed of prominent economists, politicians and thinkers originating from Europe and beyond.
From 1993 to 2001 she served as Conference Director of the Von MisesInstitute in Ghent, during which time she organised six conferences. She also possesses long-termexperience as a civil affairs lawyerat the Courts of Roermond and Utrecht in theNetherlands.
Between 1988 and 1992 she was a Member of the Board of Advisors of the Vereniging Zelfstandige Ondernemers (VZO).
In 1996 she became a member of the MontPélerin Society, an influential society composed of Nobel Prize winning economists and otherleading scholars.
She is an accomplished writer, having authored several books and a largenumber of articles. Her first book, titled ‘Het sociaal-economisch denken van F.A. Hayek’ andedited by Acco (Louvain), was published in 1988. She holds a Master’s degree in Law fromthe University of Leyden, with a specialisation in Civil Law and Political Science.
The discussion is followed by a small reception
Attending the event is free of charge, but your registration is mandatory
Please register by sending an email to : assistant at
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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)