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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 1 notice [3376].
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1)   le lundi 29 mai 2017
Catégorie : Assemblée générale Type : Associations 
chaussée de La Hulpe, Terhulpsesteenweg 120, 1000 Bruxelles
  CCBLR General Assembly Meeting followed by panel discussion.
CCBLR - Chambre de Commerce pour la Russie et le Belarus (Biélorussie)
2017 : Year of Environmental Awareness in the Russian Federation
  • What does technological innovation mean for West Europe and Russia?
  • How can West European and Russian companies contribute to energy efficiency and
    the creation of an environmentally friendly business environment?

    16:30 Registration
    17:00 CCBLR General Assembly (free of charge)
    a) Welcome words by the CCBLR President, opening and designation of the president and secretary of the Assembly
    b) Approval of the minutes of 23 May 2016 and 28 October 2016
    c) Report of the board of directors on the Chamber’s activity during the year 2016, and project report for 2017
    d) Presentation of the 2016 financial report (balance sheet, P & L account)
    e) Approval of the 2017 budget
    f) Discharge of the treasurer, board members and supervisors (if any) concerning the accounts, management and mandate
    g) Composition of the Board of Directors: tbc
    h) Miscellaneous / Questions and Answers
    17.30 Energy Round Table
    PART 1: Introduction
    - Introduction by Alexis Brouhns (CCBLR President and Senior Executive Vice President Region Europe at Solvay)
    - Welcome address on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation by Elena Medvedeva, Regional representative in BeNeLux
    - "Year of Environmental Awareness in the Russian Federation" (Russian Commercial Representation in Belgium)
    - NautaDutilh’s Energy Team (Dirk Van Gerven, Partner)
    PART 2: Energy Round Table (moderated by Kurt Demeyere, CCBLR Vice President and Senior Associate NautaDutilh)
    West European and Russian companies in the energy and chemical sectors often team up to increase productivity and energy efficiency. At this panel discussion, you’ll hear first-hand about how companies take environmental and energy efficiency concerns into account in their daily activities.
    The panellists will include :
    - CMI Group Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie (Laurent de Schaetzen, Sales Manager)
    - Engie (Florence Verzelen, Chief Métiers Officer - Engie North, South, East & Central Europe)
    - Eurochem (Karel Vervoort, Environmental & Energy Manager)
    - Fluxys (participation is confirmed)
    - Gazprom (participation is confirmed)
    - Nederlandse Gasunie (Wim Groenendijk, Director International Business and CEO Gasunie Engineering)
    19.15 Q&A
    19.30 - 21.00 Reception (light refreshments will be served)

    Registration is free for CCBLR members. For non-members the registration fee is EUR 60 (excluding VAT)
    REGISTRATION FORM : please submit your contact information
    (full name; title/position; company; company’s area(s) of activity; address; vat number; phone number; email; website) and confirmation on what parts of the evening you would like to participate (the entire program or only the general assembly (free of charge) or/and round table or/and the reception) before 21 May 2017 to maria.landenok.ccblr at with a copy to a.arianoff at
    Please note that the number of participants is strictly limited to 75 people,

    Calendrier / Affiches du mois | Livre d'or → consultation / signature | Enquête → besoins des contacts | Bordereau → notice (réservé) | inscription | Liens → agendas similaires | livres-souvenirs

    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)