Russian cultural events calendar : Revue FPPR n°10 (décembre 2021) - Guerre russo-turque de 1877-1878 dans le Caucase.

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 2 notices à la date 2022-02-02 du calendrier.
    2             2    
1)   le mercredi 2 février 2022
Catégorie : Histoire émigration russe Type : Revue périodique 
FPPR, avenue E. Parmentierlaan 48, 1150 Bruxelles
LIVRES   Revue FPPR n°10 (décembre 2021) - Guerre russo-turque de 1877-1878 dans le Caucase.
Couverture. FPPR Revue scientifique. Patrimoine russe. Russische patrimonium. Décembre 2021 - n°10 - 12 €. 2022-02-02
Guerre russo-turque de 1877-1878 dans le Caucase.
Le mot du Président, par Nicolas Apraxine
Fondation pour la Préservation du Patrimoine Russe dans l'Union Européenne
I. In memoriam
Nathalie Reingardt par Alexandre Khoudokormoff
II. Visage de l'Orthodoxie russe en Belgique
Le père Athanase Petrov, acquéreur de la maison de l'Eglise Russe rue des Chevaliers (Ixelles)
par le père Serge Model
III. Récit de l'histoire de la Famille Gabaieff
Lettre du Général Gabaieff à son fils
Traduction et introduction par Alexandre Khoudokormoff
IV. Le coup du sort ou le destin de la Famille de Boulatzell
Les retrouvailles inattendues des deux frères
par Pierre Lierneux
V. Téhéran 1929 - Paris 1923
Trois années de la Brigade Cosaque perse au Champ de Mars
par Hélène Svetoividoff Runge
VI. Tourisme en URSS
Récit de l'accompagnement de Touristes en URSS
par la Baronne Marie Noldé
VII. Acquisitions du M.R.A.
Parmi les dons fournis cette année au Musée Royal de l'Armée
par Pierre Lierneux

Editeur responsable, rédacteur en chef : André Landsberg
Imprimerie : European Graphic - Le livre en Papier
Graphisme et retouche photo : Alexandre Kouprianoff
Revue annuelle disponible sur demande : galitzine.boris at (12 € + frais de port).
Siège social : FPPR, avenue E. Parmentierlaan, 48 - 1150 Bruxelles
Banque : IBAN BE81 3631 5890 3824
Сайт/Site :

2)   le mercredi 2 février 2022
     at 12:00 (CET) via zoom.

Catégorie : Meet Russia Type : Présentation  
Maison Russe à Bruxelles, rue du Méridien 21, 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)
  Welcome to the Ulyanovsk region!
Affiche. Maison Russe. Online presentation of the tourist potential of the Ulyanovsk region. 2022-02-02
Welcome to the Ulyanovsk region!
Zoom presentation.
Online presentation of the tourist potential of the Ulyanovsk region
Language : Russian/English
Ulyanovsk region - the land of rich history! Its territory is comparable to the Netherlands or Belgium! The city is located on the two banks of the great Volga River, one of the largest rivers on the planet and also the largest in Europe! The picturesque embankment overlooks two unique bridges - the Imperial Bridge, one of the oldest railway bridges in Russia, and the Presidential Bridge, the total length of which is 13 km. When this bridge was opened in 2009, it was the longest in Russia and one of the longest in Europe!
Ulyanovsk region has a unique tourist potential - the city of Ulyanovsk is the birthplace of the Vladimir Lenin. It is here that the world's only museum complex dedicated to the leader of the Great October Revolution of 1917 is located!
Museum-reserve "Lenin's homeland" - a kind of "open-air museum", a visit to which, gives a unique opportunity to plunge into the life of a provincial town of the 19th century, walk down the street in the city center, visit many thematic museums!
Also in Ulyanovsk there is the only Museum of Civil Aviation in the country, its main part - a unique exhibition of domestic civil aviation planes and helicopters, placed on an area of about 18 hectares. The flying field and hangars of the airport demonstrate 36 aircrafts, 5 of which - helicopters, and the rest - cargo, passenger and multi-purpose aircrafts. Ivan Goncharov Center-Museum is the only museum of the famous writer in the world, but even this is not the whole tourist potential of our Ulyanovsk region!
Unique natural landscapes region and ecological trails: Geopark “The Undoria”, National Park “The Sengileyevskiye Gory”,Landscape parks of the 19th century, Karsunsky district, Baryshsky district
On 2 February Russian House in Brussels invites to an online meeting with the Agency of Tourism of the Ulyanovsk region, which will be attended by specialists of the Agency, museum staff, tour operators and representatives of business - community.
"We will tell our colleagues from Belgium about the tourism potential of the region, about unique objects and tourist routes. Business representatives will tell about the possibilities of implementing their projects on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region. Online meetings like this are the only option for building relationships with foreign countries. The pandemic is not a reason to stop our work, it's an opportunity to reconsider the approach to relations with foreign countries", - said Denis Ilyin, Director of the Agency of Tourism.
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Tél.: 02 219 01 33 / courriel : belgium at
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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)