Russian cultural events calendar : And the day lasts longer than a century ...

Calendrier d'événements à caractère culturel russe en Belgique
Календарь мероприятий, связанных с русской культурой в Бельгии
Agenda van gebeurtenissen met Russisch cultureel karakter in België

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 4 notices à la date 2019-05-24 du calendrier.
    4             2    

Liste des titres des 4 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) And the day lasts longer than a century ... [2019-05-24 | 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)]
2) ARTICLES Propagande russe : « Aujourd'hui, pour le Kremlin, il faut briser l'UE », analyse l'historienne Galia Ackerman. [2019-05-24 | France]
3) Workshop Rusland voor projectmanagers en ondernemers. [2019-05-24 | 3000 Leuven]
4) Музыкально-поэтический спектакль « Клятва ». [2019-05-24 | D-65936 Frankfurt am Main (Sossenheim)]

1)   le vendredi 24 mai 2019
     at 7 pm

Catégorie : Café littéraire Type : Littérature 
Centre Culturel et Scientifique auprès de la Russie à Bruxelles, rue du Méridien 21, 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)
  And the day lasts longer than a century ...
Page Intenet. CCSRB. And the day lasts longer than a century ... Chingiz Aitmatov. 2019-05-24
In memory of Chingiz Aitmatov.
An evening of memory of the outstanding Soviet and Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov.
Event in Russian with a French translation
At the memorial evening of the outstanding Soviet and Kyrgyz writer, diplomat, academician, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin and three USSR State Prizes, Hero of the Kyrgyz Republic Chingiz Aitmatov, the film “Citizen of the Globe” with the performance of director Olga Chekalin will be presented. The meeting participants will watch excerpts from films based on the writer's works. The story about the creative way of Ch. Aitmatov will be presented by Goldie and Jean Blancova, professors of Russian literature who knew the writer closely. Excerpts from the works will be read by N. Dmitrievskaya, S. Knyazev, and others. An exhibition from the collection of “Our friend is Chingiz Aitmatov” will be launched. For discussion, selected excerpts from the works: "And the day lasts more than a century," "Jamila", "Cassandra Brand", "Scaffold".
We invite everyone to listen to, watch, read and talk about the work of Chingiz Aitmatov.
Registration is required
Tél.: 02 219 01 33 / courriel : belgium at
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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)