Russian cultural events calendar : Russian Art Auction.

Calendrier d'événements à caractère culturel russe en Belgique
Календарь мероприятий, связанных с русской культурой в Бельгии
Agenda van gebeurtenissen met Russisch cultureel karakter in België

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 4 notices à la date 2019-04-26 du calendrier.
    3             1    

Liste des titres des 4 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) Concert Rusquartet. [2019-04-26 | 3920 Lommel]
2) Concours de jeunes pianistes et concert de gala des gagnants « Merci, Maestro! ». [2019-04-26 | 1000 Bruxelles]
3) La demande en mariage d’après Anton Tchekhov [2019-04-26 | F-13090 Aix-en-Provence]
4) Russian Art Auction. [2019-04-26 | MC-98007 Monte-Carlo]

4)   le vendredi 26 avril 2019
     à 11:30' am - 1:00' pm

Catégorie : Enchères Type : Vente 
Salon « Théâtre » Hôtel Métropole, avenue de la Madone 4, MC-98007 Monte-Carlo
  Russian Art Auction.
Page Internet. Monte-Carlo. Russian Art Auction. 2019-04-26
Ф Hermitage Fine ArtБ Russian Art Auction.
Ф Hermitage Fine Art
We invite you to the brunch at Hotel Metropole at 11.30 to celebrate Russian Easter together.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Russian Art Auction - APRIL 26th, 1.00 pm Highlights of the Russian art auction to be held on 26th April will include important paintings by Konstantin Korovin, Yuliy Klever, Johann W.G. Barth, Vladimir Ammon and Karl Geftler, marvellous watercolour drawings by Alexandre Benois, Leon Bakst, Yury Annenkov and Lev Borodulin's remarkable private collection of Fine Art.
- Rare early painting of Russian Impressionist Konstantin Korovin, Two bouquets of roses on the window, 1917, painted in Russia, Crimea, Gursuf, before his emigration to France.
- The Russian Art auction is dedicated to 2 capitals, Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, and will present paintings and drawings, books, manuscripts, photographs that are associated with two symbols of Russia and its history such as :
  • Views of St Petersburg and Moscow, both XIX centuries.
    This magnificent winter panorama traces the events of St. Petersburg life during the time of Alexander I (1777 - 1825). Here are the roller coasters, the hippodrome for horse races and the booths erected in winter on the ice of the Neva. Every winter, the Neva became the main city “square.” According to the long-standing Russian tradition, folk festivals were held on the river where winter roads (or ice crossings) were built.
  • View of Neva by Karl Geftler from Nicholas II collection;
  • Aquarelle drawings by Alexandre Benois and gouache by Bakst;

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    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)