Russian cultural events calendar : Russia and China : uneasy similarities.

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 5 notices à la date 2019-05-07 du calendrier.
    2             4    

Liste des titres des 5 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing open versus endoscopic in situ decompression for the treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome. [2019-05-07 | ]
2) Participation at the SEAFOOD expo in frame of a Russian stand. [2019-05-07 | Bruxelles]
3) Russia and China : uneasy similarities. [2019-05-07 | 9000 Gent]
4) Sonate de printemps. Весенняя соната. [2019-05-07 | 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)]
5) Кыся. [2019-05-07 | NL-1181ZM Amstelveen]

3)   le mardi 7 mai 2019
     à 12h-14h

Catégorie : Géopolitique Type : Conférence 
Het Pand, Vermeylen zaal, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent
  Russia and China : uneasy similarities.
Affiche.  Gent. Lecture Café 2019. Russia and China - uneasy similarities. 2019-05-07
Lecture Café. Russia and China : uneasy similarities, by Prof. Koen Schoors.
Prof. Koen Schoors
Lecture Café 2019 | Q & A Networking
While Russia is an electoral autocracy, China is just an autocracy. Several observers have argued that this difference constitutes the main reason why China has been growing much faster than China. In this reading of the facts, the combination of political autocracy and proper economic rules would provide an economic model for the future, with Singapore and Dubai as main role models. I defend the reverse position. In Russia, bureaucratic promotion is increasingly based on loyalty and the political leadership of the country has not been renewed for 20 years now, leading to stagnation. China has been economically more successful than Russia in recent decades, precisely because it managed to mimic some characteristics of democracies. The current Chinese leadership is abandoning these characteristics. China is starting to exhibit uneasy similarities with its big Russian neighbour. Stagnation will infallibly follow.
Format :
12h : Lecture and Q&A
13h : Sandwich Lunch
Online registration required

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)