Russian cultural events calendar : 2018 FIFA World Cup™ tickets : impressive figures mark the closing of the current sales window.

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 6 notices à la date 2018-06-14 du calendrier.
    -1             1    

Liste des titres des 6 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) ARTICLES 2018 FIFA World Cup™ tickets : impressive figures mark the closing of the current sales window. [2018-06-14 | Russie]
2) Coupe du monde 2018. Groupe A. Russie - Arabie Saoudite. [2018-06-14 | Bruxelles/Namur]
3) FiFA World Cup. Russia 2018. [2018-06-14 | 1000 Bruxelles]
4) Juin 2018 => SUITE Calendrier d'événements à caractère culturel russe. [2018-06-14 | 6060 Gilly]
5) Over : Moscou. [2018-06-14 | 2970 Schilde ]
6) ARTICLES Un regard russe sur le front de l’Yser. [2018-06-14 | ]

)   le jeudi 14 juin 2018
ARTICLES   2018 FIFA World Cup™ tickets : impressive figures mark the closing of the current sales window.
Page Internet. 2018 FIFA World Cup™ tickets. Impressive figures mark the closing of the current sales window. 2018-06-14
2018 FIFA World Cup™ tickets : impressive figures mark the closing of the current sales window.
In cooperation with BST and BECI
2018 FIFA World Cup™ Russia 14 June - 15 July 2018
14 Jun 2018 - 18:00 Local time
Group A Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow
Russia - Saudi Arabia

19 Jun 2018 - 21:00 Local time
Group A Saint Petersburg Stadium
Russia - Egypt

4,905,169 tickets had been requested by fans from all over the world before the random selection draw sales period concluded at 12:00 Moscow time today. Since 5 December 2017, supporters have had a great opportunity to apply for tickets exclusively at, and anticipation for the 2018 FIFA World Cup™ in Russia this summer has been increasing steadily. Most of the applications have come from Russia (2,503,957 tickets requested), with Germany (338,414), Argentina (186,005), Mexico (154,611), Brazil (140,848), Poland (128,736), Spain (110,649), Peru (100,256), Colombia (87,786), USA (87,052) and the Netherlands (71,096) making up the top ten countries outside the host nation. Overall, international demand accounts for 49 per cent.

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)