Russian cultural events calendar : 1917 – Une passion russe.

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1)   le vendredi 30 juin 2017
Catégorie : Révolution russe Type : Littérature 
XO Éditions, Tour Maine Montparnasse, avenue du Maine 33, BP 142, F-75755 Paris cedex 15
LIVRES   1917 – Une passion russe.
Couverture. XO editions. 1917 – Une passion russe, par Max Gallo. 2017-06-30
1917 – Une passion russe, par Max Gallo.
par Max Gallo de l'Académie française
La Révolution russe comme on ne vous l’a jamais racontée
À la fin de décembre 1916, Raspoutine avait lancé cet avertissement au tsar Nicolas II : « Pas un des membres de votre famille ne restera vivant plus de deux ans. Le peuple russe les tuera ! »
Avec 1917, une passion russe, Max Gallo nous fait vivre cette révolution fulgurante qui s’appuie sur la désespérance d’un peuple affamé et violenté par un pouvoir tsariste autocratique.
Pendant ces jours de fièvre, nous rappelle Max Gallo dans un récit époustouflant, on chante La Marseillaise. Peu à peu, pourtant, c’est le portrait d’un Lénine froid et calculateur qui se dessine derrière les promesses faites au peuple : l’inspirateur implacable d’une « dictature du prolétariat » que Staline tournera à son seul profit, installant l’un des régimes totalitaires les plus sanguinaires que l’humanité ait connus.
« Un siècle après la révolution bolchevique d’octobre 1917, ses conséquences pèsent toujours sur le destin de la Russie et celui du monde. Pour comprendre le temps présent, il faut que revivent ces destins brûlés à vif dans les flammes des espérances et des illusions. » Max Gallo

Parution : 23 février 2017, 224 pages, Format : 135*215 mm, Prix : 17,90 euros, ISBN : 9782845638228
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2)   le vendredi 30 juin 2017
Catégorie : Révolution russe Type : Littérature 
Pushkin Press, Shelton Street 71-75, GB-WC2H 9JQ London
LIVRES   1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution.
Couverture. London. Pushkin Press. 1917 - Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution. 2016-12-13
1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution.
translated by various, selected by Boris Dralyuk
Les révolutionnaires de la plume
Les Britanniques accordent une attention particulière à cette date historique. La maison d'édition londonienne Pushkin Press a notamment publié une anthologie intitulée 1917 : histoires et poèmes de la révolution russe, qui compile des poèmes et de la prose écrits entre 1917 et 1919.
Parmi les auteurs on retrouve Marina Tsvetaïeva, Mikhaïl Boulgakov, Boris Pasternak, Alexandre Blok, Alexandre Kouprine, Teffi ou encore Mikhaïl Kouzmine. La préface de l'ouvrage souligne qu'aujourd'hui, leurs œuvres sont « td'autant plus pertinentes » car elles décrivent une époque où le « tmonde s'est retourné sens dessus dessous » et « tout était remis en question ».

1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution is a collection of literary responses to one of the most cataclysmic events in modern world history, which exposes the immense conflictedness and doubt, conviction and hope, pessimism and optimism which political events provoked among contemporary writers - sometimes at the same time, even in the same person. This dazzling panorama of thought, language and form includes work by authors who are already well known to the English-speaking world (Bulgakov, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Mayakovsky), as well as others, whose work we have the pleasure of encountering here for the very first time in English.

Edited by Boris Dralyuk, the acclaimed translator of Isaac Babel's Red Cavalry (also published by Pushkin Press), 1917 includes works by some of the best Russian writers - some already famous in the English-speaking world, some published here for the very first time. It is an anthology for everyone: those who are coming to Russian literature for the first time, those who are already experienced students of it, and those who simply want to know how it felt to live through this extreme period in history.

• Marina Tsvetaeva, 'You stepped from a stately cathedral ', 'Night. - Northeaster. - Roar of soldiers. - Roar of waves.'
• Zinaida Gippius, 'Now', 'What have we done to it?', '14 December 1917'
• Osip Mandelstam, 'In public and behind closed doors'
• Osip Mandelstam, 'Let's praise, O brothers, liberty's dim light'
• Anna Akhmatova, 'When the nation, suicidal'
• Boris Pasternak, 'Spring Rain'
• Mikhail Kuzmin, 'Russian Revolution'
• Sergey Esenin, 'Wake me tomorrow at break of day'
• Mikhail Gerasimov, 'I forged my iron flowers'
• Vladimir Kirillov, 'We'
• Aleksey Kraysky, 'Decrees'
• Andrey Bely, 'Russia'
• Alexander Blok, 'The Twelve'
• Titsian Tabidze, 'Petersburg'
• Pavlo Tychyna, 'Golden Humming'
• Vladimir Mayakovsky, 'Revolution: A Poem-Chronicle', 'To Russia', 'Our March'
• Alexander Kuprin, 'Sashka and Yashka'
• Valentin Kataev, 'The Drum'
• Aleksandr Serafimovich, 'How He Died'
• Dovid Bergelson, 'Pictures of the Revolution'
• Teffi, 'A Few Words About Lenin', 'The Guillotine'
• Vasily Rozanov, from 'Apocalypse of Our Time'
• Aleksey Remizov, 'The Lay of the Ruin of Rus''
• Yefim Zozulya, 'The Dictator: A Story of Ak and Humanity'
• Yevgeny Zamyatin, 'The Dragon'
• Aleksandr Grin, 'Uprising'
• Mikhail Prishvin, 'Blue Banner'
• Mikhail Zoshchenko, 'A Wonderful Audacity'
Paperback – December 13, 2016 | 236 Pages | 5-1/16 x 7-13/16 | ISBN 9781782272144
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3)   le vendredi 30 juin 2017
Catégorie : Histoire Type : Littérature 
LIVRES   A People's Tragedy. The Russian Revolution – centenary edition with new introduction.
London. Penguin Books. A People|s Tragedy. The Russian Revolution – centenary edition with new introduction. 2017-01-25
A People's Tragedy. The Russian Revolution – centenary edition with new introduction.
by Orlando Figes
Unrivalled in scope and brimming with human drama, A People’s Tragedy is the most vivid, moving and comprehensive history of the Russian Revolution available today.
‘A modern masterpiece’ Andrew Marr
‘The most moving account of the Russian Revolution since Doctor Zhivago’ Independent

Opening with a panorama of Russian society, from the cloistered world of the Tsar to the brutal life of the peasants, A People’s Tragedy follows workers, soldiers, intellectuals and villagers as their world is consumed by revolution and then degenerates into violence and dictatorship. Drawing on vast original research, Figes conveys above all the shocking experience of the revolution for those who lived it, while providing the clearest and most cogent account of how and why it unfolded.

Illustrated with over 100 photographs and now including a new introduction that reflects on the revolution’s centennial legacy, A People’s Tragedy is a masterful and definitive record of one of the most important events in modern history.
Bodley Head | Paperback/eBook Published 25th January 2017 | 960 Pages | 153mm x 234mm x 55mm | 1526g | £20.00
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4)   le vendredi 30 juin 2017
Catégorie : Histoire Type : Littérature 
LIVRES   Caught in the Revolution. Petrograd, 1917.
Couverture London. Penguin Books. Caught in the Revolution. Petrograd, 1917 by Helen Rappaport. 2017-02-08
Caught in the Revolution. Petrograd, 1917.
by Helen Rappaport
Selected as a book of the year in the Telegraph and Evening Standard.

'[The] centenary will prompt a raft of books on the Russian Revolution. They will be hard pushed to better this highly original, exhaustively researched and superbly constructed account.' Saul David, Daily Telegraph

'A gripping, vivid, deeply researched chronicle of the Russian Revolution told through the eyes of a surprising, flamboyant cast of foreigners in Petrograd, superbly narrated by Helen Rappaport.' Simon Sebag Montefiore, author of The Romanovs

Between the first revolution in February 1917 and Lenin’s Bolshevik coup in October, Petrograd (the former St Petersburg) was in turmoil. Foreign visitors who filled hotels, bars and embassies were acutely aware of the chaos breaking out on their doorsteps. Among them were journalists, diplomats, businessmen, governesses and volunteer nurses. Many kept diaries and wrote letters home: from an English nurse who had already survived the sinking of the Titanic; to the black valet of the US Ambassador, far from his native Deep South; to suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst, who had come to Petrograd to inspect the indomitable Women’s Death Battalion led by Maria Bochkareava.

Drawing upon a rich trove of material and through eye-witness accounts left by foreign nationals who saw the drama unfold, Helen Rappaport takes us right up to the action – to see, feel and hear the Revolution as it happened.
Windmill Books | paperback/Hardback/eBook | Published 8th February 2017 | 464 Pages | 129mm x 198mm x 28mm | 343g | £9.99

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5)   le vendredi 30 juin 2017
Catégorie : Histoire Type : Littérature 
Penguin Books Ltd., Strand 80, GB-WC2R ORL London
LIVRES   History of the Russian Revolution.
Couverture. London. Penguin Books. History of the Russian Revolution, by Leon Trotsky, Max Eastman (Translator). 2017-02-01
History of the Russian Revolution, by Leon Trotsky, Max Eastman (Translator).
by Leon Trotsky, Max Eastman (Translator)
'The greatest history of an event I know' - C.L.R. James

Regarded by many as among the most powerful works of history ever written, The History of the Russian Revolution offers an unparalleled account of one of the most pivotal and hotly debated events in world history. This book presents, from the perspective of one of its central actors, the profound liberating character of the early Russian Revolution.

Originally published in three parts, Trotsky's masterpiece is collected here in a single volume. It is still the most vital and inspiring record of the Russian Revolution ever published.
Penguin Classics | Paperback/eBook Published 1st February 2017 | 992 Pages | 154mm x 234mm x 57mm | 1090g | £20.00
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6)   le vendredi 30 juin 2017
Catégorie : Histoire Type : Littérature 
LIVRES   Lenin on the Train.
London. Penguin Books. Lenin on the Train, by Catherine Merridale. 2017-04-05
Lenin on the Train, by Catherine Merridale.
by Catherine Merridale
'The superb, funny, fascinating story of Lenin's trans-European rail journey and how it shook the world' Simon Sebag Montefiore, Evening Standard, Books of the Year

'Splendid ... a jewel among histories, taking a single episode from the penultimate year of the Great War, illuminating a continent, a revolution and a series of psychologies in a moment of cataclysm and doing it with wit, judgment and an eye for telling detail' David Aaronovitch, The Times

By 1917 the European war seemed to be endless. Both sides in the fighting looked to new weapons, tactics and ideas to break a stalemate that was itself destroying Europe. In the German government a small group of men had a brilliant idea: why not sow further confusion in an increasingly chaotic Russia by arranging for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the most notorious of revolutionary extremists, currently safely bottled up in neutral Switzerland, to go home?

Catherine Merridale's Lenin on the Train recreates Lenin's extraordinary journey from harmless exile in Zurich, across a Germany falling to pieces from the war's deprivations, and northwards to the edge of Lapland to his eventual ecstatic reception by the revolutionary crowds at Petrograd's Finland Station.

With great skill and insight Merridale weaves the story of the train and its uniquely strange group of passengers with a gripping account of the now half-forgotten liberal Russian revolution and shows how these events intersected. She brilliantly uses a huge range of contemporary eyewitnesses, observing Lenin as he travelled back to a country he had not seen for many years. Many thought he was a mere 'useful idiot', others thought he would rapidly be imprisoned or killed, others that Lenin had in practice few followers and even less influence. They would all prove to be quite wrong.

Published 5th April 2017
368 Pages
129mm x 198mm x 22mm

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7)   le vendredi 30 juin 2017
Catégorie : Histoire Type : Littérature 
LIVRES   Russian Émigré Short Stories from Bunin to Yanovsky.
London. Penguin Books. Russian Émigré Short Stories from Bunin to Yanovsky. 2017-04-28
Russian Émigré Short Stories from Bunin to Yanovsky.
edited by Bryan Karetnyk
Fleeing Russia amid the chaos of the 1917 revolution and subsequent Civil War, many writers went on to settle in Paris, Berlin and elsewhere. In exile, they worked as taxi drivers, labourers and film extras, and wrote some of the most brilliant and imaginative works of Russian literature.

This new collection includes stories by the most famous émigré writers, Vladimir Nabokov and Ivan Bunin, and introduces powerful lesser known voices, some of whom have never been available in English before.

Here is Yuri Felsen's evocative, impressionistic account of a night of debauchery in Paris; Teffi's witty and timely reflections on refugee experience; and Mark Aldanov's sparkling story of an elderly astrologer who unexpectedly finds himself in Hitler's bunker in Berlin. Exploring displacement, loss and new beginnings, their short stories vividly evoke the experience of life in exile and also return obsessively to the Russia that has been left behind - whether as a beautiful dream or terrifying nightmare. By turns experimental, funny, exciting, poignant and haunting, these works reveal the full range of émigré writing and are presented here in masterly translations by Bryan Karetnyk and others.
Penguin Classics | Paperback/eBook | Published 26th April 2017 | 464 Pages | 135mm x 216mm x 32mm | 489g | £12.99

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)