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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 3 notices à la date 2018-12-31 du calendrier.
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Liste des titres des 3 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) LIVRES The New China-Russia Alignment : Critical Challenges to U.S. Security. [2018-12-31 | CA 93117 Santa Barbara (Etats-Unis)]
2) Новый год в Мехелене. [2018-12-31 | 2800 Mechelen]
3) Празднование Нового Года 2019. [2018-12-31 | 9032 Gent]

1)   le lundi 31 décembre 2018
Catégorie : Sécurité Type : Littérature 
ABC-CLIO, LLC., Cremona Drive 130, CA 93117 Santa Barbara (Etats-Unis)
LIVRES   The New China-Russia Alignment : Critical Challenges to U.S. Security.
Couverture. Praeger. The New China-Russia Alignment. Critical Challenges to U.S. Security, by Richard Weitz. 2018-12-31
Richard Weitz => The New China-Russia Alignment : Critical Challenges to U.S. Security.
by Richard Weitz (Author)
Series : Praeger Security International
Many U.S. policymakers and analysts continue to discount the possibility that Russia and China will join forces against the United States. But what if they're wrong?
This volume identifies the main drivers of the current Sino-Russian relationship, assesses whether—and under what conditions—China and Russia would cooperate more extensively and effectively against American interests, and recommends U.S. policies that could prevent such an outcome.

Most experts argue that economic interdependence, nuclear weapons, and the U.S. contribution to maintaining the global commons mean that China and Russia will generally accept U.S. military superiority and U.S. political supremacy in managing global affairs. An agreement between these two powerful countries to work against the United States, however, would greatly increase its vulnerabilities. Additionally, relations between the governments of China and Russia with the United States have clearly worsened in past years. Identifying the various pathways, events, and political, economic, and military drivers that could shape the dynamics of the China-Russia relationship is of critical importance to U.S. security.

This book examines in detail the sources, nuances, and manifestations of the ongoing Sino-Russian relationship in order to recommend strategy and policy that could work to U.S. advantage. Written by an author who traveled extensively in both countries in order to conduct research and expert interviews for the work, the book offers coverage of the latest developments to include the major changes in Chinese foreign policy under President Xi and ongoing relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  • Identifies the challenges Americans would confront if Russia and China continue to align more closely together against the United States and its allies and what interests would be most affected ;
  • Examines the variables that have most affected ties between China and Russia and could plausibly continue to affect the Sino-Russian relationship ;
  • Addresses key geographic regions, countries, and critical issues to assess the areas of greatest importance for the China-Russia relationship as well as for U.S. foreign policy ;
  • Describes how the United States now faces a more complicated challenge than even during the Cold War since Russia and China possess a diverse, complementary, and historically unique range of assets.

    Richard Weitz, PhD, is senior fellow and director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at Hudson Institute, Washington, DC. His research includes regional security developments relating to Europe, Eurasia, and East Asia as well as U.S. foreign and defense policies. Weitz is also an expert at Wikistrat and a non-resident adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security. He is author of Praeger's War and Governance: International Security in a Changing World Order; Global Security Watch—Russia: A Reference Handbook; and Global Security Watch—China: A Reference Handbook.
  • Hardcover: 298 pages
    ISBN-10: 1440847363 / ISBN-13: 978-1440847363
    Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds
    List Price: $75.00
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    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)