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1)   du vendredi 9 mars 2018 au vendredi 16 mars 2018
     Every day from 11:00 to 18:00

Catégorie : Paintings Type : Exhibition 
Galerie Blaes 150, rue Blaes 150, 1000 Bruxelles
  Abstract passion. Art exhibition beyond words.
Affiche. Galerie Blaes 150. Abstract passion. Art exhibition beyond words. 2018-03-09
Abstract passion. Art exhibition beyond words.
by Inga Falkowska & Magraret Bolinska
Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych
Her artworks are characterized by symbolism and artistic expression which encourage and stimulate the viewers' own thoughts about their existence in the modern world. She is the founder of "Wherenowhere", the first independent art gallery in Brussels. One of the most important goals of the gallery is the integration of international artists no matter what their country of origin, religion or politic beliefs. It is an independent gallery without any boundaries or contracts, allowing artists to grow and develop through their various inspirations, artworks and cultures. Inga Falkowska is also the author of numerous texts and sung poetries, which were performed by a Russian composer, pianist and singer Olga Mentchik in many amazing shows in Antwerp, Gent and Brussels.
« It's not the boat that the logs slopped that is important, but the river that flows straight to the source of inspiration. You are the river » - Inga Falkowska.
Margaret Bolinska's art reflects her deep feelings and her spontaneity. The constant mix of the unknown with a lot of dynamics, movement and passion results in colorful works with a lot of strength. Her paintings live. From the impressionist forms and images to her own, specific style, where sits her unique power and sens of art. Her vision of the world is represented in many of her works using different materials and methods. These methods of work shouldn't be seen as a development or an evolution, but as a step towards an unknown ideal. After years studying and experimenting she remains loyal to acrylic — her favorite medium of expression, but oil and water—color inspire her too. She is also fascinated by mixed media. Meet the strong expressive world of Margaret Bolinska.
« There's a veil over her works, sometimes with rnysterious shadows. They're free, but unable to escape from their environment. » - Marnix Vervaet.

Free entry
Information : 0478 95 04 54 (Inga) / 0498 78 98 76 (Margaret)

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)