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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 5 notices à la date 2014-03-29 du calendrier.
    5             2    

Liste des titres des 5 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) Anna Volovitch, concert de piano. [2014-03-29 | 1000 Bruxelles]
2) Concert Otava-Yo. Концерт Отава Ё. [2014-03-29 | 7000 Mons]
3) Concert. Julian Rachlin violon [2014-03-29 | 1000 Bruxelles]
4) Intro : rondom Lady MacBeth. [2014-03-29 | 2000 Antwerpen]
5) The Moscow Trials. [2014-03-29 | 1000 Bruxelles]

1)   le samedi 29 mars 2014
     à 20 heures

Catégorie : Concert Type : Musique 
Atelier Marcel Hastir, rue du Commerce 51, 1000 Bruxelles
  Anna Volovitch, concert de piano.
Affiche. Atelier Hastir. Anna Volovitch, concert de piano. 2014-03-29
Anna Volovitch, concert de piano
Au programme :
  • W. A. Mozart. Sonata in C-dur, K.330 I. Allegro moderato - II. Andante cantabile - III. Allegretto
  • R. Schumann. Kinderszenen op.15 1. Of Foreign Lands and Peoples - 2. A Curious Story - 3. Blind Man's Bluff - 4. Pleading Child - 5. Happy Enough - 6. An Important Event - 7. Dreaming - 8. At the Fireside - 9. Knight of the Hobbyhorse - 10. Almost Too Serious - 11. Frightening - 12. Child Falling Asleep - 13. The Poet Speaks
  • F. Chopin. Ballade No.1 in g-moll, op.23
  • J. S. Bach - F. Busoni. Chaconne
  • S. Rachmaninov. 6 moments musicaux op.16

    Anna Volovitch se produit régulièrement comme soliste et comme chambriste aux Etats-Unis, en Asie et en Europe. Elle a commencé ses études de musique en Russie et a étudié par la suite en Californie (USA). Actuellement elle réside à Vienne en Autriche.

    Anna Volovitch performs regularly as a soloist and chamber musician in the USA, Europe, and Asia.
    Her versatile repertoire covers a wide variety of styles, from baroque to contemporary music, and her elegant yet powerful touch continues to be recognized by audiences around the world. Ms. Volovitch started taking piano lessons at the age of six at the Kazan Music School for Specially Gifted Children in Russia. Ms. Volovitch graduated with honors from the Kazan State Conservatory, where she studied with Professor Elfiya Bournasheva, and received an Artist Certificate from Azusa Pacific University in California, USA. She holds a Masters Degree with distinction from The Longy School of Music in Boston, MA, where she studied with Randall Hodgkinson. She currently lives in Vienna, Austria, and studies with Prof. Franz Zettl.
    Ms. Volovitch took part and received awards in several national and international competitions, including Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians, Cleveland International Piano Competition, and Queen Elisabeth International Piano Competition.
    Ms. Volovitch performed extensively throughout the USA including a solo recital at the American Liszt Society National Festival, at the University of Kansas, where she played on Liszt's last concert grand piano, a Bechstein from 1886, owned and housed at the Spencer Museum of Art; as well as performances as a soloist with Pasadena Community Orchestra, Azusa Pacific University Orchestra, and Antelope Valley Orchestra. Ms. Volovitch has also performed in several European countries, including Austria, Belgium, England, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Denmark, Russia, and as a soloist with the “Musik in Regensburg” Academy Chamber Orchestra.
    Upcoming concert performances for 2013/2014 include recitals in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, a concert and masterclass in Jakarta (Indonesia), and a solo performance of Beethoven's Emperor Concerto with the “Junge Philharmonie” Wien in 2015.

  • Réservations recommandées : volovitch.anna at gmail dot com
    Prix d’entrée: 12 € (6 € pour enfants jusqu’à 12 ans)

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    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)