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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 2 notices à la date 2016-03-19 du calendrier.
    2             2    

Liste des titres des 2 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) Charity piano concert : Olga Bobrovnikova (piano). [2016-03-19 | 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)]
2) Le stichou. Atelier de poésie courte. [2016-03-19 | 1000 Bruxelles]

1)   le samedi 19 mars 2016
     à 15 heures

Catégorie : Concert Type : Musique 
Centre culturel et scientifique de la Russie à Bruxelles, rue du Méridien 21, 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)
  Charity piano concert : Olga Bobrovnikova (piano).
Charity piano concert : Olga Bobrovnikova (piano)
Association So!Art & Music Foundation Association
in support of artisans of hope project
Grieg / Mozart / Bach / Tchaikovski / Verdi / Rachmaninov / Thiersen / Schostakovich.

Mu-Sic Foundation Association for Global Awareness of MS & the Brain Pianist, teacher, author, Ambassador for European Brain Council - Year of the Brain Activist in a fight against Multiple Sclerosis & other degenerative brain conditions.
As a concert pianist with Multiple Sclerosis I fear the degeneration of my capabilities. The « Year of the brain 2014 » inspired me to investigate the musical functions of my own brain by reviewing the body of scientific music /brain research abstracts. I discovered that music can explain the mechanisms of human emotions, the brain's reward system and even language itself. I seek to inspire students in schools and colleges to experiment with the attributes or the wondrous language of music.

Dear friends ,
We cordially invite you to attend the Charity Piano Concert of Olga Bobrovnikova, which is a charity event for children with cerebral palsy and other motor disorders in Belgium.Your contribution (12 euros per entry, free for children) can make a big change to independance in daily life.
This Concert is organized to support a good cause: the project “Artisans of hope” is aimed at bringing together cross-border experience and socialization, teaching skills relating to independence and physical stimulation for children with neurological and physical disorders.
The power of music, the way it works on the mind and heart, remains an enticing mystery! Olga Bobrovnikova, concert pianist,will offer keys to enjoy Russian and Western classical composers!

Nous vous invitons au concert de musique d'Olga Bobrovnikova, pianiste russe, lors de son concert de charité au profit du projet de la rééducation des enfants IMC "Artisans de l'espoir",
Venez contempler l'interprétation musicale unique de la pianiste Olga Bobrovnikova! Sachez que votre participation au concert est un réel pas dans le long chemin vers l'autonomie des enfants atteints de paralysie cérébrale que notre association soutient!

Мы будем очень рады видеть Вас среди гостей на благотворительном концерте пианистки Ольги Бобровниковой в поддержку проекта для детей с ДЦП "Мастера надежды" (Ассоциация So!Art,Брюссель)!
Прекрасная музыка в волшебном исполнении Ольги Бобровниковой ждёт Вас. Ваше участие -это шаг к самостоятельности детей с ДЦП, в пользу которых организован наш концерт.
12 euros pour les adultes, gratuit pour les enfants.
Стоимость билетов: 12 евро для взрослых,для детей бесплатно.
To reserve your tickers, please contact : daria.gissot at gmail dot com

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)