Russian cultural events calendar : 2022 Moscow Gala Reception.

Calendrier d'événements à caractère culturel russe en Belgique
Календарь мероприятий, связанных с русской культурой в Бельгии
Agenda van gebeurtenissen met Russisch cultureel karakter in België

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 4 notices à la date 2022-03-10 du calendrier.
    -1             1    

Liste des titres des 4 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) 2022 Moscow Gala Reception. [2022-03-10 | Moscou]
2) ARTICLES Au Kalinka, l’un des seuls restaurants russes de Belgique, on s’inquiète : Certains produits n’arrivent déjà plus. [2022-03-10 | 6700 Arlon]
3) Exposition « Miroir » de Mariia Timofeeva. [2022-03-10 | 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)]
4) Festival mondial de poésie « La lyre émigrée ». [2022-03-10 | 4020 Liège]

)   le jeudi 10 mars 2022
     à 15:00 - 19:00

Catégorie : Nouvel An Type : Réception 
Moscou, Russie
  2022 Moscow Gala Reception.
Page Internet. Moscow. Annual Reception of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (BLCC & BLRB). 2022-03-10
CCBLR 2022 Moscow Gala Reception.
Annual Reception of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (BLCC & BLRB)
Dear Members, Dear official Partners,
The Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (BLCC & BLRB) requests the honor of your presence to attend and participate in the Grand ceremony of the 2022 Annual Gala Reception in Moscow.
Every year, the entire Belgian and Luxembourg business community in Russia gathers at the Gala Reception of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in the very center of Moscow.
Led by our Honorary President Grand Duke George Romanov, Chairman of the BLRB Stefan Van Doorslaer and BLCC Chief Executive Officer Oleg Prozorov, this unique Event brings together guests of honor, representatives of Embassies in Russia, top managers and heads of the largest Belgian, Luxembourg, Russian and international companies.
Dear Members of the Chamber,
Dear Partners, Dear Friends
We are concerned by the current situation which affects all of us and threatens all member companies without distinction. We would like to assure you of our full support in this ordeal.
The offices of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (BLCC & BLRB) in Brussels, Luxembourg and Moscow continue their daily work to act together.
Current alarming situation has made changes to our upcoming program, we are postponing our Annual Reception in Moscow of March 10 to a later date, ASAP we will announce new key events on topics linked to the current situation.
In this unprecedented crisis that we are going through, our team is more than ever mobilized and stands by your side, while continuing to work in close collaboration with customs services, financial institutions, embassies and other administrations.
Our team will do its best to keep you informed and facilitate your daily tasks, our doors are always open to you!
Stefan Van Doorslaer and Oleg Prozorov
Guests of Honor at the ceremony :
H.E. Marc Michielsen, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Russian Federation
H.E. Georges Faber, the Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the Russian Federation
Mr. Rik Daems, former President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Belgian Senator and businessman
After the brief official part, a festive cocktail will be offered for your networking opportunities.
We plan an event mostly intended for members, sponsors and official partners, in order to comply with all current health restrictions.
Actually we count on maximum 150 persons, to providing each guest reasonable social distance.
Registration required / Courriel : moscow at
Russian Federation : +74994907767 / Grand Duchy of Luxembourg : +35227861101 / Kingdom of Belgium : +3227810105

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)