Russian cultural events calendar : Better 10 Years of Negotiations than one Day of War.

Calendrier d'événements à caractère culturel russe en Belgique
Календарь мероприятий, связанных с русской культурой в Бельгии
Agenda van gebeurtenissen met Russisch cultureel karakter in België

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 4 notices à la date 2019-09-05 du calendrier.
    1             3    

Liste des titres des 4 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) 1939. Beginning of the World War II. [2019-09-05 | 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)]
2) Better 10 Years of Negotiations than one Day of War. [2019-09-05 | 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)]
3) LIVRES La peinture russe - 1800-1945. [2019-09-05 | F-5002 Paris]
4) Мы из будущего. We are from the future. [2019-09-05 | 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)]

2)   le jeudi 5 septembre 2019
Catégorie : Histoire Type : Exposition  
Centre Culturel et Scientifique auprès de la Russie à Bruxelles, rue du Méridien 21, 1210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)
  Better 10 Years of Negotiations than one Day of War.
'Page Internet. Exhibition dedicated to Andrei Gromyko opens in the Russian centre. 2019-09-05
Better 10 Years of Negotiations than one Day of War.
Exhibition dedicated to Andrei Gromyko opens in the Russian centre
Dear friends,
We draw your attention to a documentary exhibition on the life and activities of prominent Soviet diplomat and statesman Andrei Gromyko in honor of his 110th birthday.
Andrei Gromyko is famous for his unsurpassed diplomatic mastery, his skillful advancement of our country’s interests, and his participation in the key meetings and events of the 20th century. He was present at the founding of the UN, and in 1946 became the first Soviet representative to the organization. For almost three decades, from 1957 to 1985, Andrei Gromyko led the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, becoming a living symbol of Soviet foreign affairs in those years. Thanks to his active work, dozens of bilateral and multilateral agreements were reached.
The exhibition has united a number of archival documents and photo materials, allowing us to make visual acquaintance with the great diplomatic heritage of Andrei Gromyko, evaluate the scale and diverse characteristics of his personality and his contribution to the development of international relations.
The exhibition was prepared with the Russian Embassy in Belgium.
Free entry. Вход свободный.
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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)