Russian cultural events calendar : Великая авантюристка Княжня Тараканова.

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 2 notices à la date 2019-07-06 du calendrier.
    2             2    

Liste des titres des 2 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) Великая авантюристка Княжня Тараканова. [2019-07-06 | MC-98007 Monte Carlo]
2) Лёвен с профессором Рониным. [2019-07-06 | 3000 Leuven]

1)   le samedi 6 juillet 2019
     à 12 heures

Catégorie : Histoire Type : Conférence 
Hotel Metropole, avenue de la Madone 4, MC-98007 Monte Carlo
  Великая авантюристка Княжня Тараканова.
Invitation. Hermitage Fine Art. Эдвард Радзинский с лекцией. Великая авантюристка Княжня Тараканова. 2019-07-06
Edvard Radzinsky => The great adventuress Princess Tarakanova.
Впервые в Монако Эдвард Радзинский с лекцией
Hermitage Fine Art presents :
First time ever in Monaco Famous Russian writer, historian, screenwriter, author of documentaries Edvard Radzinsky will give a lecture on "The great adventuress Princess Tarakanova" on 6th JULY, at 12:00 at Hotel Metropole Monte-Carlo.
Next day, 7th JULY, at 14:00, Hermitage Fine Art will auction a unique collection of letters and documents of one of the THE MOST MYSTERIOUS WOMAN IN RUSSIAN HISTORY - PRINCESS TARAKANOVA.
It includes five personal letters, two of them were addressed to the Turkish Sultan and other three - to Lord Hamilton. There are also letters and reports of Count Grigory Orlov, Lord Hamilton, Lord Montagu - people involved into this fascinating intrigue.

Hermitage Fine Art представляет :
Впервые в Монако известный русский писатель, драматург, историк, сценарист, автор телевизионных передач и документальных фильмов Эдвард Радзинский выступит с лекцией "ДЕЛО КНЯЖНЫ ТАРАКАНОВОЙ" 6 июля в 12:00 в отеле Метрополь Монте-Карло.
На следующий день, 7 июля, в 14:00, Hermitage Fine Art выставит на торги уникальную коллекцию переписки САМОЙ ЗАГАДОЧНОЙ ЖЕНЩИНЫ РОССИЙСКОЙ ИМПЕРИИ - КНЯЖНЫ ТАРАКАНОВОЙ.
Прочтя испанский перевод книг Эдварда Радзинского о Николае II и Иосифе Сталине, Габриэль Гарсиа Маркес написал: «Радзинский – тонкий психолог, прекрасно разбирающийся в людях, и живых и умерших. Он человек, который знает и, главное, любит свою страну. Он понимает ее историю. Кому как ни ему разгадывать ставшие уже притчей во языцех "загадки России"?!».

The unprecedented collection of letters and documents of the great adventuress's case includes five personal letters, two of them were addressed to the Turkish Sultan (copies) and other three - to Lord Hamilton. As well as letters and reports of the persons involved into intrigue - Count Grigory Orlov, Lord Hamilton, Lord Montagu.
In her eloquent letters the impostress asks for protection from her correspondents, narrates her difficult fate: "from nine years age her life was not but a chain of inevitable terrible catastrophes that haunted her everywhere. All this served to strengthen her soul, led by Divine Providence, her courage, her philanthropy, her candor, all this was a reason why she felt herself obliged to claim her rights, legal rights of the crown Princess, confirmed both by her birth like a Princess and the testament of Her Mother Empress's testament". She praises Pugachev and names him her supporter, and even advises the Turkish sultan not to conclude a peace treaty with Russia until her arrival in Constantinople. The correspondence of Count Orlov, Lord Hamilton and Lord Montagu reveals the schemer's plans; the latter informs about her movings in Italy and her request to "get a passport from the local government," and her letters to Sultan pleading her protection were never delivered. Such documents from the private archive of Pricess Tarakanova, one of the most famous women of XVIII century, add new traits of her outstanding personality and explain her immense relationships with numerous European figures, gradually debunking the myths associated with her romantic image.
Number of seats are limited. Количество место ограничено.
Registration is mandatory at. Регистрация обязательна по электронной почте auction at
It is prohibited to take photos or videos. Фото — и видеосъёмка запрещена

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)