Russian cultural events calendar : Short-term Research Fellowships in Intellectual, Cultural and Art History for 2019/20.

Calendrier d'événements à caractère culturel russe en Belgique
Календарь мероприятий, связанных с русской культурой в Бельгии
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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 5 notices à la date 2018-11-08 du calendrier.
    2             4    

Liste des titres des 5 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) Kolja. [2018-11-08 | ]
2) L’histoire du soldat. [2018-11-08 | 1140 Bruxelles (Evere)]
3) Short-term Research Fellowships in Intellectual, Cultural and Art History for 2019/20. [2018-11-08 | GB - WC1H 0AB London]
4) Symphonie de Imbéciles. [2018-11-08 | F-42100 St-Etienne]
5) Русское искусство. Art russe. Vente en préparation. [2018-11-08 | F-75007 Paris]

3)   du jeudi 8 novembre 2018 au vendredi 30 novembre 2018
Catégorie : Bourses d'études Type : Enseignement 
The Warburg Institute, University of London, School of Advanced Study, Woburn Square, GB - WC1H 0AB London
  Short-term Research Fellowships in Intellectual, Cultural and Art History for 2019/20.
Page Internet. The Warburg Institute. Short-term Research Fellowships in Intellectual, Cultural and Art History for 2019-20.2018-11-08
The Warburg Institute, University of London, => EH Gombrich Fellowship.
EH Gombrich Fellowship
One fellowship is available for a period of two months.
Eligibility :
The proposed research project should be into the tradition of Ernst Gombrich and on Russian culture.
Only open to early career scholars. The fellow will be expected to carry out original research on the topic for which they have been awarded their Fellowship. Applications will not be accepted from candidates proposing to revise their doctoral dissertation for publication.

Please note the following applies to all fellowships :
  • Those who have previously held a short-term fellowship at the Institute are not eligible not eligible to apply for the Short-term Fellowships.
  • The fellowship may not be held concurrently with another fellowship or award.
  • Candidates from outside the EU will need to check the regulations for acquiring a visa to visit the UK for their fellowship.

    Value of fellowships and tenure :
    Fellowships are tenable at the Warburg Institute and begin in October 2019 for either a two, three or four month period (depending on the fellowship selected). Fellows awarded two- or three-month Fellowships must hold at least three-quarters of their award during term-time. The term dates for 2019-20 are: 30 September 2019 - 13 December 2019; 13 January 2020 - 27 March 2020; 27 April 2020 - 17 July 2020. Those awarded three-month Fellowships will need to stay at the Institute for a full three month period, i.e. for longer than one term. Those awarded four month Fellowships must hold them in one of the following fixed periods: 1 September to 13 December; 3 January to 30 April; 1 May to 31 August.

    Fellows are paid a stipend of £ £1,500/month.
    Payment will be paid in full, for the whole period of your fellowship, upon arrival at the Institute.

  • Сайт/Site :

    Calendrier / Affiches du mois | Livre d'or → consultation / signature | Enquête → besoins des contacts | Bordereau → notice (réservé) | inscription | Liens → agendas similaires | livres-souvenirs

    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)