Russian cultural events calendar : Russia|s political economy since 1992 : Back to the future?

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 5 notices à la date 2018-12-11 du calendrier.
    3             5    

Liste des titres des 5 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) Célébration du centenaire de la naissance d’Alexandre Soljenitsyne. [2018-12-11 | F-92000 Nanterre]
2) Conference NautaDutilh. Energy at the Edge of Innovation - Scope 2040. [2018-12-11 | 1000 Bruxelles]
3) Ensemble d'objets par la Maison Fabergé. [2018-12-11 | ]
4) Russia|s political economy since 1992 : Back to the future? [2018-12-11 | 9000 Gent]
5) VIDEOS Долгий путь домой. . . (документальный фильм). [2018-12-11 | RU - Arkhangelsk]

4)   le mardi 11 décembre 2018
Catégorie : Politique Russie Type : Colloque 
Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent
  Russia|s political economy since 1992 : Back to the future?
Page Internet. UGent 2nd colloquium. Russia|s political economy since 1992 - Back to the future. 2018-12-11
UGent => 2nd colloquium. Russia|s political economy since 1992 - Back to the future.
The second Ghent Russia colloquium, Ghent, 11-12 December 2018
  • Opening keynote door Yuval Weber, Associate Professor Daniel Morgan Graduate School, 11 December om 13.00h : « Running in Place: Geopolitical Competition and Patterns in Russian Economic Reform »

  • Closing keynote door Sergei Guriev, hoofdeconoom van de EBRD, Professor Sciences Po Parijs, 12 December om 13.30h : « Work in Transition: Demographics, Automation, Skills, and Migration in Transition Countries »

    Nieuws :
    - Prof. Fabienne Bossuyt (Centrum voor EU studies) en prof. Peter Van Elsuwege (Ghent European Law Institute) organiseerden een workshop voor een geplande publicatie over EU-Rusland relaties: "Principled Pragmatism in Practice: the EU's Policy towards Russia after Crimea", een resultaat van het eerste Ghent-Russia colloquium.

    - Vladislav Kazakov (Novosibirsk State University) was een maand te gast bij de Vakgroep Archeologie met een beurs van het Short-Term Visiting Fellowship Program van het Rusland Platform - promotor: Prof. Jean Bourgeois. Deze call staat ook dit jaar weer open voor onderzoekers uit Rusland, deadline is 28/11.

    Since 1992, Russia has changed face repeatedly. The socio-economic collapse of the transition period governed by the Washington consensus, the financial meltdown with the default of August 1998, the emergence of Vladimir Putin as the new power broker and Russia’s economic revival during this period, Putin’s personal evolution from an economic liberal to a conservative nationalist, the ensuing stagnation of the Russian economy, and the renewed political and economic tensions with the West, have provided a breath-taking socio-economic roller-coaster that left most observers deeply puzzled. The early 2000 prediction of Shleifer and Treissman that Russia was about to become a normal country has been refuted by reality. Therefore, academic research that helps us to understand in which direction Russia might be going in light of its recent history is strongly needed.

    The purpose of the second Ghent colloquium is to bring together scholars and practitioners working in various disciplines to present their research on the political economy of Russia. Proposals for panels or papers can be submitted on a wide range of themes, including, amongst others:

  • The political economy of natural resources in Russia
  • The political economy of Russia’s regions
  • Russia’s institutional development and corruption
  • Independent elections and media freedom
  • Social norms and values in contemporary Russia
  • The modernization of Russia’s economy
  • The political economy of Russia’s foreign policy
    Please note that the above terms of reference are not intended to constrain researchers in their choice of topics, but only to illustrate the scope of the conference.
    Submission and deadlines
    Academics or practitioners wishing to present a paper are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 250 words. Proposals for panels should include the abstracts of preferably four papers and, if possible, information about the chair and discussant.

    Proposals for papers and panels should be sent to The deadline for submission of abstracts is 12 September 2018. Confirmation of acceptance of the abstract and participation in the colloquium will be sent out on 19 September 2018. The deadline for submitting the full paper is 10 December 2018. Selected papers may be published in an edited volume or a special issue of an international peer reviewed journal.

    Participation in the conference is free. Participants are expected to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation.
    Preliminary programme
    11 December 2018
    13:00-14:00 Keynote address by Sergei Guriev (chief economist of EBRD and professor at Sciences-Po)
    14:00-15:45 Parallel sessions 1
    15:45-16:15 Coffee break
    16:15-18:00 Parallel sessions 2
    12 December
    9:00-10:45 Parallel sessions 3
    10:45-11:00 Coffee break
    11:00-12:45 Parallel sessions 4
    12:45-13:15 Light lunch
    13:15-14:00 Keynote address by Yuval Weber (Associate professor, Daniel Morgan Graduate School / Kennan Institute): “Running In Place: Geopolitical Competition and Patterns in Russian Economic Reform”

  • U kan zich gratis online inschrijven. De key note sessies kunnen apart bijgewoond worden en staan open voor het ruime publiek.
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    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)