Russian cultural events calendar : Antwerp and Saint-Petersburg : 60 years of partnership and new horizons of cooperation : Round table & evening of classic music from Saint Petersburg.

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 3 notices à la date 2018-09-05 du calendrier.
    3             2    

Liste des titres des 3 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) Antwerp and Saint-Petersburg : 60 years of partnership and new horizons of cooperation : Round table & evening of classic music from Saint Petersburg. [2018-09-05 | 2000 Antwerpen]
2) Exposition de peintures, sculptures, photographies et miniatures. [2018-09-05 | 4500 Huy]
3) ARTICLES Guerre civile russe: combien de vies la terreur rouge a-t-elle emporté? [2018-09-05 | ]

1)   le mercredi 5 septembre 2018
     à 14 heures 30' et 19 heures 30'

Catégorie : Concert Type : Musique 
International Music Centre AMUZ, Kammenstraat 81, 2000 Antwerpen
  Antwerp and Saint-Petersburg : 60 years of partnership and new horizons of cooperation : Round table & evening of classic music from Saint Petersburg.
Affiche. Piano PetRo Duo, String Quartet, Capella of the St. Peterburg State. 2018-09-05
Piano PetRo Duo, String Quartet, Capella of the St. Peterburg State.
  • Round table on business cooperation « Antwerp and Saint-Petersburg : 60 years of partnership and new horizons of cooperation »
    14:30-15:00 Registration of participants
    15:00-15:05 Moderator : Mrs. Ekaterina Lebedeva, Vice-president, Saint-Petersburg Chamber of
    Commerce and Industry
    Welcome words :
    Mr. Arkady Arianoff, Chairman of the Board of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in the Russian Federation (CCBLR Moscow), Director of the Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia & Belarus (CCBLR Brussels)
    15:05-15:10 Welcoming words on behalf of Saint-Petersburg Government (to be confirmed) Mr. Pavel Borisenko, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for investment of Saint- Petersburg
    15:10-15:20 Welcoming words on behalf of Antwerp City
    15:20-15:35 Investment opportunities in Saint-Petersburg Mr. Pavel Borisenko, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for investment of Saint- Petersburg
    15:35-15:50 Industrial potential of Saint-Petersburg Mrs. Ekaterina Lebedeva, Vice-president, Saint-Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    15:50-16:05 The principles of determination of perspective projects abroad for the Belgian investment companies. The main investment projects of Belgium abroad Representative of Antwerp city responsible of business development and investment
    16:05-16:20 « Doing business: experience of Belgian company in St. Petersburg » Mrs. Ellen Theeuwes, Director High Value Division, Ahlers Group
    16:20-16:35 Current development of IT cluster in Saint-Petersburg and opportunities for cooperation with Antwerp Mr. Denis Chamara, Chairman, Committee for the IT and Communications
    16:35-16:50 Current development of IT sphere in Antwerp (including development of application for air pollution control) Representative of IMEC
    16:50-17:00 Concluding remarks
    17:00-17:30 Coffee-break and networking

  • Evening of classical music from Saint-Petersburg
    Concert by Piano PetRo Duo.
    String Quartet Capella of the St. Peterburg State Capella Symphony Orchestra.
    Prestigious concert in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of twin-city relations between St. Petersburg and Antwerp.
  • Free admission
    Tickets : TUE – THU 13.00-16.00 / T +32 (0)3 292 36 80 / tickets at
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    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)