Russian cultural events calendar : International Conference marking 100 years since the October Revolution.

Calendrier d'événements à caractère culturel russe en Belgique
Календарь мероприятий, связанных с русской культурой в Бельгии
Agenda van gebeurtenissen met Russisch cultureel karakter in België

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 8 notices à la date 2017-11-04 du calendrier.
    -1             1    

Liste des titres des 8 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) 1917 - 2017 : De la Révolution d'Octobre aux luttes actuelles. [2017-11-04 | 4000 Liège]
2) VIDEOS Discours de clôture 1917-2017 : Espoirs, utopies et héritages de la Révolution [2017-11-04 | 1060 Bruxelles (Saint-Gilles)]
3) International Conference marking 100 years since the October Revolution. [2017-11-04 | GB-WC1B 3LS London]
4) La révolution russe et son actualité. [2017-11-04 | F-75012 Paris]
5) Les 100 ans de la révolution russe et son actualité (CORQI) [2017-11-04 | ]
6) VIDEOS Les 100 ans de la révolution russe et son actualité (CORQI). [2017-11-04 | F-92300 Levallois-Perret]
7) Octobre 17, une révolution artistique et littéraire. [2017-11-04 | 1060 Bruxelles (Saint-Gilles)]
8) Автобусная экскурсия Франция - остров Le Mont Saint-Michel - 2 дня. Excursion de 2 jours en France au Mont-Saint-Michel. [2017-11-04 | Mont Saint-Michel, France]

)   du samedi 4 novembre 2017 au dimanche 5 novembre 2017
     à 10:00 - 18:00 UTC

Trades Union Congress (TUC), Congress House, Great Russell Street, 23-28 GB-WC1B 3LS London
  International Conference marking 100 years since the October Revolution.
Affiche. TUC. International Conference marking 100 years since the October Revolution. 2017-11-04
TUC. International Conference marking 100 years since the October Revolution.
Russian Revolution Centenary Committee
Marking 100 years since the October Revolution. A range of bodies have come together to commemorate this historic event which continues to be an inspiration to millions of people today.

Examining the revolution’s
- Impact in Britain, with a focus on the labour movement
- Cultural legacy, in particular the visual arts
- Global reach, from Europe to Latin America

The Russian Revolution Centenary Committee is excited to announce this international all-day event with sessions including:

An introduction to the history of the Russian Revolution
The impact of Russian revolutionary politics on British society and the labour movement
International perspectives on the contemporary relevance of the Russian Revolution
Speakers Include:
Tosh McDonald – President, ASLEF
Andrew Murray – Chief of Staff, Unite the Union.
Mike Wayne – academic, educationalist, filmmaker, activist and cultural theorist.Professor in Screen Media, Brunel University.
Sarah Badcock – historian of Imperial and revolutionary Russia, author ‘A prison without walls? Eastern Siberian exile in the last years of Tsarism’
Mary Davis – women’s and labour movement historian, author ‘Sylvia Pankhurst: A Life in Radical Politics’, founder Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Committee
Aleida Guevara – paediatrician, Cuban revolutionary, Angolan medical mission veteran, and daughter of Che Guevara
David Lane – leading academic and writer on USSR, state socialism, Marxism and class
Christine Lindey – pioneering art historian, Morning Star arts critic, author ‘Art in the Cold War: from Vladivostok to Kalamazoo’
Richard Leonard, MSP – Labour Party’s frontbench spokesperson on the economy in the Scottish Parliament
Vijay Prashad – historian, editor LeftWord Books, author ‘No Free Left: The Futures of Indian Communism’
Brinda Karat – MP for West Bengal Communist Party of India (Marxist), former student activist and trade union organiser, leading Indian women’s movement activist
Teresita Vicente de Sotalongo – Cuban Ambassador in London
Adrian Weir – labour movement historian, Asst Chief of Staff, Unite
Johanna Scheringer-Wright – MP for Thuringia and German Left Party (Die Linke) member
Vyacheslav Tetekin – veteran of Soviet solidarity with African liberation movements, former MP Russian Duma CP of Russian Federation, member of editorial board of Sovetskaya Rossiya (Soviet Russia)
Tickets will be on sale from 1 May. On May Day they will be sold at a reduced rate of £7 for one day only, available at Marx Memorial Library's Open Day 10am-3pm. Thereafter they will be sold £10/8unwaged.
Cost : £8 – £10

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)