Russian cultural events calendar : New Year Reception of Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus.

Calendrier d'événements à caractère culturel russe en Belgique
Календарь мероприятий, связанных с русской культурой в Бельгии
Agenda van gebeurtenissen met Russisch cultureel karakter in België

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   ANNONCES-EVENEMENTS   Enregistrements trouvés => 2 notices à la date 2017-01-23 du calendrier.
    1             1    

Liste des titres des 2 enregistrements contenant «  » :

1) La vie de l’esprit en Pologne sous le communisme (1945-1989). [2017-01-23 | 75006 Paris]
2) New Year Reception of Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus. [2017-01-23 | ]

2)   le lundi 23 janvier 2017
     from 18.30 to 20.30

Catégorie : Réception Type : Réunion 
  New Year Reception of Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus.
Logo CCBLR. New Year Reception of Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus. 2017-01-23
CCBLR 2017 New Year Reception.
Agenda :
  • Welcome words by H.E. the Ambassadors ;
  • Our planned mission to the Lipetks Region ;
  • Success stories of companies with strong Russian roots EuroChem and NLMK International B.V. in Belgium ;
  • Main economic forums in 2017: Saint-Petersburg, Sochi and Vladivostok ;
  • Preparation of the Football World Cup in Russia in 2018 ;
  • Exhibition « Russia & Belgium: a history of the relationship from the Middle Ages to the present » (2018, Moscow).
    Looking forward to welcome you at our events.
    We wish you and your family a very fruitful, safe year 2017 in excellent health!
    Yours sincerely,
    Arkady Arianoff, Daniel Stevens, and Maria Landenok, on behalf of the Management Board of Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus (CCBLR), avenue Louise 500, 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)
  • Please note that as CCBLR member you will enjoy free participation, registration fee for non-members would be 100 EUR (VAT excluded).
    Exact venues of our events will be provided upon the receipt of your registration demand. We would appreciate your prompt feedback to Maria.Landenok at ccblr at with a copy to a.arianoff at
    Contacts : 0473 94 86 55 / 02 264 36 53.
    Сайт/Site :

    Calendrier / Affiches du mois | Livre d'or → consultation / signature | Enquête → besoins des contacts | Bordereau → notice (réservé) | inscription | Liens → agendas similaires | livres-souvenirs

    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)