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1)   le mercredi 24 octobre 2018
Catégorie : Biélorussie Type : Conférence 
8500 Kortrijk
  Why invest in Belarus? A door to the Eurasian Economic Union, the market of 180 million inhabitants and visit of Barco facilities.
Logo. Cachet. CCBLR. 2015-02-25
During this meeting we invite you to think about your business opportunities in Belarus. Our aims are to present the positive efforts of our Belarussian partners, and to learn about the success stories of our members, who are already running their projects in that beautiful area.
We propose to discuss the advantages provided by Government for foreign businessmen, such as :

  • « visa-free in Belarus » (foreigners may stay without a special mark in the passport for up to 30 days)
  • improved macroeconomic policies
  • support of the private sector, e.g. attractive fiscal package for IT
  • more flexible exchange-rate regime of Central Bank
  • organization of forums in Belgium and Luxembourg in presence of numerous delegates from Belarus
    We are glad to have a special support of our member Barco, which is already working on Belarus market. It will be a unique chance to visit the Barco Experience Center in Kortrijk, which is built around how Barco solutions help people to enjoy compelling entertainment experiences; how they foster knowledge sharing and smart decision-making in organizations and help hospitals provide their patients with the best possible healthcare.
    Draft programme :
    13h00 : Registrations with sandwich lunch
    14h00 : Start presentations, including presentations about investment projects in Belarus, customs and certification issues and examples of Belgian and European success stories
    16h00 : Visit of Barco Experience Center
    17h00 : Networking reception
    We expect to welcome a large Belarus delegation at this meeting
    Organizers: the Flemish Chamber of Commerce for Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, Barco, and CCBLR Brussels in cooperation with Belarus Embassy in Belgium.
    Yours sincerely,
    Arkady Arianoff and Maria Landenok
    on behalf of the Management Committee of the Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus (CCBLR Brussels)
  • There is a free admission by mandatory registration for the conference : please send us your contact information (company, profile of your company, website, name, position, email) on maria.landenok-ext at or info at before 13 October 2018
    P +32 2 264 36 53, M +32 487 888 146
    Sponsor : Barco
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    In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)