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1)   le mardi 20 mai 2014
     à 16 heures

Catégorie : Conférence Type : Economie 
Brussels Solvay Campus, rue de Ransbeek-straat 310, 1120 Bruxelles
  40th anniversary of CCBLR.
Illustration. 40th anniversary of CCBLR (Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus). 2014-05-20

40th anniversary of CCBLR
Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus
Conference « Belgian industrialists and traders in Russia : an impressive and again successful history » & Anniversary & General Assembly
Programme of the day
Part 1 : Board meeting
16:00 - Board meeting of CCBLR (reserved to the directors). Members will receive a personal invitation by email with this board’s agenda
Part 2 : General assembly
16:30 – Registration for the guests attending the General Assembly or both the General Assembly and the Conference
16:45 – General Assembly. All CCBLR members having paid their annual fee are kindly invited (Everyone is welcome! Non-members may attend, but without voting power).
Part 3 : Conference
17:00 – Registration for other guests attending the conference only
17:30 – Welcome address of our President Mr Jacques VAN RIJCKEVORSEL, Member of the Executive Committee, Solvay, and brief history of the Chamber’s 40 years of activity, Brief expression of thanks to the former management board members of CCBLR
17:45 – Welcome words by H.E. Alexander ROMANOV, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Belgium
17:50 – Welcome words by Mr Sergei SKVORTSOV, Counsellor on trade and economic affairs of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to the Kingdom of Belgium
18:00 – Conference by Mr Daniel STEVENS, Vice-president of our Chamber and Founder of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Russian Heritage: « Belgians industrialists and traders in Russia: an impressive and again successful history »
18:30 – Questions & Answers, and Closing
Part 4 : Networking reception
18:45 – 21:00 – Reception for the attendants of the conferences.
Please pay € 30 or € 60 before 16 May 2014 on BNP Parisbas Fortis Bank, CCBLR account 210 0559990 61, IBAN : BE62 2100 5599 9061, BIC: GEBABEBB with the mention of your company name.
Please contact us for any additional information or organizational questions if any.
The Belgian Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for Russia and Belarus
Mr Arkady Arianoff /Mob: +32 473 94 86 55, Email : a.arianoff at ccblr dot org
Ms Maria Landenok /Tel: +32 02 264 36 53, Mob : 0032 0 487 888 146, Email : maria.landenok-ex at solvay dot com

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)