Russian cultural events calendar : The Protocol : How I took down Putin’s doping empire.

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106)   le jeudi 29 août 2019
Catégorie : Russie Type : Littérature 
Virgin Digital, Penguin Random House, London
LIVRES   The Protocol : How I took down Putin’s doping empire.
Couverture. Virgin Digital. The Protocol. How I took down Putins doping empire. 2019-08-29
Grigory Rodchenkov => The Protocol : How I took down Putin’s doping empire.
by Grigory Rodchenkov
Can one man take down an empire?
The Protocol is a breathtaking real-life political thriller.
As a leading chemical scientist and Director of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory, Dr Grigory Rodchenkov was at the forefront of global efforts to detect drugs cheats in sport. Yet he was simultaneously running the most elaborate doping scheme in history, helping thousands of athletes and elite players evade detection. Then the cracks started to show, and Vladimir Putin sent him a chilling message . . .
Icarus, the Oscar-winning Netflix film, followed Grigory Rodchenkov as he turned whistleblower, fled Russia and entered the US Witness Protection Programme. In this explosive memoir he reveals how everything he has exposed so far — leading to Russia’s double Olympic bans – is merely the tip of the iceberg.
Drawn from diaries, official e-mails and memos smuggled out of Russia, The Protocol is the full story by the one man the Kremlin hoped would never talk about its quest to win at all costs.
« I am a patriot, yet I am a traitor. I am one of the reasons my country has won so many Olympic medals over the last decade, yet I am also the reason they are banned from the Olympics. I am a devoted husband and father, yet I have seen neither my wife or my children in two years. If you read the news, you will see that my name is everywhere, yet I myself am nowhere. I am known throughout Russia, yet I am a ghost. Living anonymously in an anonymous town, under the protection of the US government, in fear from my life, somewhere in America – the one country I tried my hardest to help my country beat, year after year, decade after decade ».
Dr Grigory Rodchenkov is the former director of Russia's national anti-doping laboratory, which was suspended by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in 2015 for facilitating Russia's elaborate state-sponsored doping program. He helped develop and distribute banned performance enhancing substances for thousands of Russian sports stars from 2005 to 2015. He made headlines in 2016 as a whistleblower, exposing the extensive nature of Russia's doping program, leading to Russia's 2016 & 2018 Olympics bans. Rodchenkov is currently in witness protection in the US.
320 pages, Publication Date: August 29, 2019
Imprint: WH Allen; ISBN: 9780753553329; RRP: £18.99

Сайт/Site :
101) Boekvoorstelling : Het meisje en de dood, Maksim Gorki, vertaald door Traudi Helmberger [2019-09-18]
102) Monaco, le Gala russe invite les plus grands danseurs de Russie, Plusieurs calendriers de Alain Hanel (Auteur)  [2019-09-16]
103) Moscow Rules : What Drives Russia to Confront the West, Moscou fixe les règles - ce qui pousse la Russie à affronter l'Occident. [2019-09-09]
104) La peinture russe - 1800-1945, de Daniel Kiecol [2019-09-05]
105) Les révolutions russes de 1917. Enjeux politiques et artistiques, Revue des études slaves, volume 90, fascicule 1-2 [2019-09-01]
106) The Protocol : How I took down Putin’s doping empire, by Grigory Rodchenkov  [2019-08-29]
107) L'Europe face au mystère russe : transcendance, nation, littérature, de Anna Gichkina, préfacé par Jacques de Guillebon  [2019-08-28]
108) La vie hantée d’Anya, Sénario et dessins : Vera Brosgol [2019-08-28]
109) Alain Soral en Russie - La conference de Moscou. Partie 1,  [2019-08-14]
110) Alain Soral en Russie - La conférence de Moscou. Partie 2. Dialogue avec le public, Campagne de Russie - juin 2016 [2019-08-14]
111) Eyewitness 1917 : the Russian Revolution as it Happened, de Mikhail Zygar (Auteur), Karen Shainyan (Auteur) [2019-07-03]
112) La terreur rouge en Russie (1918-1924), de Sergueï Melgounov [2019-06-27]
113) Russische rozen, Martha Hall Kelly [2019-06-25]
114) La locomotive des sœurs Tcherepanov. , de Olga Slavnikova [2019-06-13]
115) L’attrapeur de rats. , de Alexandre Grine [2019-05-23]
116) Les anarchistes russes. , de Paul Avrich, traduction de Bernard Mocquot [2019-05-23]
117) Repenser Stanislavski – Fondateur du théâtre russe moderne avec Marie-Christine Autant-Mathieu , Rencontre avec Marie-Christine Autant-Mathieu (CNRS / Eur’Orbem) Présentée par Aglaé Achechova (Bulac) Animée par Catherine Géry et Emmanuel Demadre. [2019-05-14]
118) Le régiment immortel. La guerre sacrée de Poutine, de Galia Ackerman  [2019-05-02]
119) ,  [2019-04-05]
120) Le clan Mikhalkov : Culture et pouvoirs en Russie (1917-2017), de Cécile Vaissié (Auteur) [2019-04-04]

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)