Russian cultural events calendar : Russian Émigré Short Stories from Bunin to Yanovsky.

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271)   le vendredi 30 juin 2017
Catégorie : Histoire Type : Littérature 
LIVRES   Russian Émigré Short Stories from Bunin to Yanovsky.
London. Penguin Books. Russian Émigré Short Stories from Bunin to Yanovsky. 2017-04-28
Russian Émigré Short Stories from Bunin to Yanovsky.
edited by Bryan Karetnyk
Fleeing Russia amid the chaos of the 1917 revolution and subsequent Civil War, many writers went on to settle in Paris, Berlin and elsewhere. In exile, they worked as taxi drivers, labourers and film extras, and wrote some of the most brilliant and imaginative works of Russian literature.

This new collection includes stories by the most famous émigré writers, Vladimir Nabokov and Ivan Bunin, and introduces powerful lesser known voices, some of whom have never been available in English before.

Here is Yuri Felsen's evocative, impressionistic account of a night of debauchery in Paris; Teffi's witty and timely reflections on refugee experience; and Mark Aldanov's sparkling story of an elderly astrologer who unexpectedly finds himself in Hitler's bunker in Berlin. Exploring displacement, loss and new beginnings, their short stories vividly evoke the experience of life in exile and also return obsessively to the Russia that has been left behind - whether as a beautiful dream or terrifying nightmare. By turns experimental, funny, exciting, poignant and haunting, these works reveal the full range of émigré writing and are presented here in masterly translations by Bryan Karetnyk and others.
Penguin Classics | Paperback/eBook | Published 26th April 2017 | 464 Pages | 135mm x 216mm x 32mm | 489g | £12.99

Сайт/Site :
261) Que reste-t-il des révolutions russes ? - 1917-2017 - De Lénine à Poutine, de Pierre Lorrain [2017-08-16]
262) An Insider's Testimony from Gorbachev to Putin, by Andrei A. Kovalev ; translated by Steven I. Levine [2017-08-01]
263) Nicholas II, the Last Tsar, by Michael Paterson (Author)  [2017-07-13]
264) Pierre le Grand, tsar des Lumières ou des Ténèbres ?, par Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan [2017-07-01]
265) 1917 – Une passion russe, par Max Gallo de l'Académie française [2017-06-30]
266) 1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution, translated by various, selected by Boris Dralyuk [2017-06-30]
267) A People's Tragedy. The Russian Revolution – centenary edition with new introduction, by Orlando Figes [2017-06-30]
268) Caught in the Revolution. Petrograd, 1917, by Helen Rappaport [2017-06-30]
269) History of the Russian Revolution, by Leon Trotsky, Max Eastman (Translator) [2017-06-30]
270) Lenin on the Train, by Catherine Merridale [2017-06-30]
271) Russian Émigré Short Stories from Bunin to Yanovsky, edited by Bryan Karetnyk [2017-06-30]
272) Lucien Cerise : Retour sur Maïdan. La guerre hybride de l’OTAN, par Martial Bild [2017-06-29]
273) Russes et Français (1812-1818). Une histoire des perceptions mutuelles, de Maya Goubina [2017-06-29]
274) St Petersburg. Three Centuries of Murderous Desire, by Jonathan Miles [2017-06-28]
275) La Révolution Russe vue par une Française, de Marylie Markovitch [2017-06-22]
276) 1917-2017 que reste-t-il de l'Octobre russe ?, de Roger Martelli [2017-05-31]
277) De la Russie à l'URSS, Édification et écroulement de l'Empire russe, (878-1991), par Hubert Morelle [2017-05-31]
278) L'Ame de Dostoiewsky, Le Prophète de la Révolution Russe, par Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky (1865-1941) [2017-05-31]
279) La décolonisation de l'Empire russe (1992-2016) - Mythe ou réalité ?, par Hubert Morelle [2017-05-31]
280) Octobre 1917 et le Mouvement ouvrier belge, par Claude Renard, préface de Jean Puissant [2017-05-31]

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)