Russian cultural events calendar : Soviet art house : The secret history of Lenfilm studio.

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)   le mercredi 28 avril 2021
     from 18:30 to 20:30

Catégorie : Cinema Type : Conférence 
Ghent University, International Relations Office, Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent
  Soviet art house : The secret history of Lenfilm studio.
Affiche. Rusland Platform UGent. Soviet art house. The secret history of Lenfilm studio. 2021-04-28
Soviet art house : The secret history of Lenfilm studio.
Lecture by Catriona Kelly, University of Oxford
International Relations Office Ghent University - Russia Platform
Catriona Kelly's lecture, based on extensive work with Soviet archives and oral history, uses the history of one of the USSR's most important studios, Lenfilm in Leningrad, to explore how studios as well as film artists had their own handwriting.

Soviet cinema is universally regarded as one of the world's great film traditions, but it is mainly the movies from the 1920s and the 1930s that are familiar to Western audiences. By and large, too, we know film history in terms of famous directors (from Eisenstein to Tarkovsky), but have little awareness of the studio culture that shaped film production.
Catriona Kelly's lecture, based on extensive work with Soviet archives and oral history, uses the history of one of the USSR's most important studios, Lenfilm in Leningrad, to explore how studios as well as film artists had their own 'handwriting'. Rather than simply making up a further line of bureaucratic obstruction, they provided film artists with material and psychological support, and were highly individual and in some respects successful working environments for a variety of artists, including set painters and costume designers as well as the famous names at the top of the credits. The lecture gives particular attention to the ways in which Lenfilm nurtured (while also sometimes coercing and even bullying) young filmmakers in the Khrushchev and Brezhnev eras, a period at which the radical expansion of the film industry led to a mass recruitment drive and brought in new generations of young people whose views and ambitions were often very different from those of the established 'masters' who had dominated movie production in the Stalin era.

Speaker : Catriona Kelly is Professor of Russian at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of New College. She has published many books and articles on Russian history and culture, including St. Petersburg: Shadows of the Past (Yale University Press, 2014), which was shortlisted for the Pushkin Russian Book Prize. She often visits Russia, and has owned a flat in St. Petersburg since 2005. She is currently completing Soviet Art House, a study of the Lenfilm studio from the early 1960s to the 1980s.
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1) le jeudi 1 avril Наша программа на апрель 2021 / Notre programme pour avril 2021. 210 Bruxelles (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode)
2) du vendredi 2 avril au vendredi 30 avril Étonnante planète Terre. Удивительная Земля. The Amazing Earth.
3) du vendredi 2 avril au mercredi 28 avril Igor Toguzaev expose au Cheval Blanc à Virton. 6760 Virton
4) du lundi 15 mars au dimanche 4 avril Онлайн Марафон - Весенний Upgrade. Начните путь к стройному, гибкому и спортивному телу. Телу Вашей мечты. Zoom
5) le lundi 12 avril Inauguration de la « salle Gagarine » à l’Euro Space Center, Belgique. Bruxelles
6) le jeudi 15 avril LIVRES KGB-DGSE, deux espions face à face. F-75016 Paris
7) le jeudi 15 avril LIVRES Réveillon chez les Boulgakov. F-75005 Paris
8) du dimanche 25 octobre au 18-04-2021 Halinka Jakubowska - Exposition de sculptures - L’Essence de la Matière. 4020 Liège
9) le mercredi 21 octobre LIVRES Brève histoire de la Russie : Comment le plus grand pays du monde s'est inventé. F-75647 Paris cedex 13
10) le mercredi 21 octobre LIVRES VIDEOS KGB - DGSE. Au cœur des services secrets – Sergueï Jirnov & François Waroux dans Le Samedi Politique.
11) le mercredi 21 octobre LIVRES Napoléon et la campagne de Russie - 1812. F-92247 Malakoff Cedex
12) le mercredi 21 octobre GROUPES СПГ - Потомков Галлиполийцев. Internet
13) le jeudi 22 octobre VIDEOS L'espionnage russe s'est considérablement renforcé sous Vladimir Poutine.
14) le lundi 26 octobre Zoom en-ligne - Paris russe. F-75009 Paris
15) le mercredi 28 octobre LIVRES ARTICLES Des miradors à la liberté : Un Français-Russe toujours en résistance. F-75018 Paris
16) le mercredi 28 octobre Soviet art house : The secret history of Lenfilm studio. 9000 Gent
17) le jeudi 29 octobre Le Lac des Cygnes. Swan Lake. 7000 Mons
18) le vendredi 30 octobre LIVRES Dictionnaire passionné de la Russie culturelle. Bruxelles
19) le vendredi 30 octobre Vrij podium streaming. In de Ban van Koning Artur. 9000 Gent
20) du samedi 20 mars au samedi 8 mai L'héritage russe - inscriptions ouvertes! 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)
21) du mercredi 21 avril au dimanche 9 mai Rencontre à la porte dorée – Sasha Drutskoy. 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles)
22) du mardi 27 avril au mercredi 12 mai Vitrine #123 – Timur Zakharchev
23) du samedi 1 août au 30-06-2021 Une année scolaire en Russie. 1160 Bruxelles (Auderghem)
24) du jeudi 1 avril au dimanche 1 août Exposition Pierre Alechinsky - Carta canta. 1000 Bruxelles

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)