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268)   le vendredi 30 juin 2017
Catégorie : Révolution russe Type : Littérature 
Pushkin Press, Shelton Street 71-75, GB-WC2H 9JQ London
LIVRES   1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution.
Couverture. London. Pushkin Press. 1917 - Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution. 2016-12-13
1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution.
translated by various, selected by Boris Dralyuk
Les révolutionnaires de la plume
Les Britanniques accordent une attention particulière à cette date historique. La maison d'édition londonienne Pushkin Press a notamment publié une anthologie intitulée 1917 : histoires et poèmes de la révolution russe, qui compile des poèmes et de la prose écrits entre 1917 et 1919.
Parmi les auteurs on retrouve Marina Tsvetaïeva, Mikhaïl Boulgakov, Boris Pasternak, Alexandre Blok, Alexandre Kouprine, Teffi ou encore Mikhaïl Kouzmine. La préface de l'ouvrage souligne qu'aujourd'hui, leurs œuvres sont « td'autant plus pertinentes » car elles décrivent une époque où le « tmonde s'est retourné sens dessus dessous » et « tout était remis en question ».

1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution is a collection of literary responses to one of the most cataclysmic events in modern world history, which exposes the immense conflictedness and doubt, conviction and hope, pessimism and optimism which political events provoked among contemporary writers - sometimes at the same time, even in the same person. This dazzling panorama of thought, language and form includes work by authors who are already well known to the English-speaking world (Bulgakov, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Mayakovsky), as well as others, whose work we have the pleasure of encountering here for the very first time in English.

Edited by Boris Dralyuk, the acclaimed translator of Isaac Babel's Red Cavalry (also published by Pushkin Press), 1917 includes works by some of the best Russian writers - some already famous in the English-speaking world, some published here for the very first time. It is an anthology for everyone: those who are coming to Russian literature for the first time, those who are already experienced students of it, and those who simply want to know how it felt to live through this extreme period in history.

• Marina Tsvetaeva, 'You stepped from a stately cathedral ', 'Night. - Northeaster. - Roar of soldiers. - Roar of waves.'
• Zinaida Gippius, 'Now', 'What have we done to it?', '14 December 1917'
• Osip Mandelstam, 'In public and behind closed doors'
• Osip Mandelstam, 'Let's praise, O brothers, liberty's dim light'
• Anna Akhmatova, 'When the nation, suicidal'
• Boris Pasternak, 'Spring Rain'
• Mikhail Kuzmin, 'Russian Revolution'
• Sergey Esenin, 'Wake me tomorrow at break of day'
• Mikhail Gerasimov, 'I forged my iron flowers'
• Vladimir Kirillov, 'We'
• Aleksey Kraysky, 'Decrees'
• Andrey Bely, 'Russia'
• Alexander Blok, 'The Twelve'
• Titsian Tabidze, 'Petersburg'
• Pavlo Tychyna, 'Golden Humming'
• Vladimir Mayakovsky, 'Revolution: A Poem-Chronicle', 'To Russia', 'Our March'
• Alexander Kuprin, 'Sashka and Yashka'
• Valentin Kataev, 'The Drum'
• Aleksandr Serafimovich, 'How He Died'
• Dovid Bergelson, 'Pictures of the Revolution'
• Teffi, 'A Few Words About Lenin', 'The Guillotine'
• Vasily Rozanov, from 'Apocalypse of Our Time'
• Aleksey Remizov, 'The Lay of the Ruin of Rus''
• Yefim Zozulya, 'The Dictator: A Story of Ak and Humanity'
• Yevgeny Zamyatin, 'The Dragon'
• Aleksandr Grin, 'Uprising'
• Mikhail Prishvin, 'Blue Banner'
• Mikhail Zoshchenko, 'A Wonderful Audacity'
Paperback – December 13, 2016 | 236 Pages | 5-1/16 x 7-13/16 | ISBN 9781782272144
Сайт/Site : http://www.pushkinpress.com/book/1917/
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262) Que reste-t-il des révolutions russes ? - 1917-2017 - De Lénine à Poutine, de Pierre Lorrain [2017-08-16]
263) Que reste-t-il des révolutions russes ? - 1917-2017 - De Lénine à Poutine, de Pierre Lorrain [2017-08-16]
264) An Insider's Testimony from Gorbachev to Putin, by Andrei A. Kovalev ; translated by Steven I. Levine [2017-08-01]
265) Nicholas II, the Last Tsar, by Michael Paterson (Author)  [2017-07-13]
266) Pierre le Grand, tsar des Lumières ou des Ténèbres ?, par Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan [2017-07-01]
267) 1917 – Une passion russe, par Max Gallo de l'Académie française [2017-06-30]
268) 1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution, translated by various, selected by Boris Dralyuk [2017-06-30]
269) A People's Tragedy. The Russian Revolution – centenary edition with new introduction, by Orlando Figes [2017-06-30]
270) Caught in the Revolution. Petrograd, 1917, by Helen Rappaport [2017-06-30]
271) History of the Russian Revolution, by Leon Trotsky, Max Eastman (Translator) [2017-06-30]
272) Lenin on the Train, by Catherine Merridale [2017-06-30]
273) Russian Émigré Short Stories from Bunin to Yanovsky, edited by Bryan Karetnyk [2017-06-30]
274) Lucien Cerise : Retour sur Maïdan. La guerre hybride de l’OTAN, par Martial Bild [2017-06-29]
275) Russes et Français (1812-1818). Une histoire des perceptions mutuelles, de Maya Goubina [2017-06-29]
276) St Petersburg. Three Centuries of Murderous Desire, by Jonathan Miles [2017-06-28]
277) La Révolution Russe vue par une Française, de Marylie Markovitch [2017-06-22]
278) 1917-2017 que reste-t-il de l'Octobre russe ?, de Roger Martelli [2017-05-31]
279) De la Russie à l'URSS, Édification et écroulement de l'Empire russe, (878-1991), par Hubert Morelle [2017-05-31]
280) L'Ame de Dostoiewsky, Le Prophète de la Révolution Russe, par Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky (1865-1941) [2017-05-31]

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)