Russian cultural events calendar : Concert for Violin Solo - Mikhail Bezverkhni.

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)   le jeudi 14 août 2014
     à 20 heures

Catégorie : Récital Type : Musique 
Washboard Art & Jazz Café, Brusselstraat 5, 2018 Antwerpen
  Concert for Violin Solo - Mikhail Bezverkhni.
Portraits. Concert for Violin Solo - Mikhail Bezverkhni & Rosita Tristano.  2014-08-14
Mikhail Bezverkhni & Rosita Tristano.
The Washboard Art and Jazz Cafè is pleased to announce a very special evening in the company of Mikhail Bezverkhni, winner of the Queen Elisabeth Competition (1976) who will perform in a Concert for Violin Solo.
During the evening Rosita Tristano will join him to play pieces for Two Violins.
Furthermore the two artists will be pleased to show some art works from their collection now exposed at Washboard Art and Jazz Cafè.
After the concert will follow a discussion about Art during which the audience will have the possibility to ask and interact directly with the artists.

Mikhail Bezverkhni is a polyvalent artist. In 1976 he won The Queen Elisabeth Competition (Brussels, Belgium) establishing himself as one of the most powerful violinist of the past and the current century.
Furthermore he is also active as : violist, conductor, teacher, chansonier, cinema actor and the last but not the least he is an Art painter.
Bezverkhni studied art in Moscow for fourteen years, from 1976 to 1990, under Vladimir Ra...ikov student of Robert Falkfounder of the russian artistic group Jack of diamonds.
Mikhail Bezverkhni, whose artistic name is Bezverkhni van Gent, gives regularly exhibitions in and out of Belgium.
He is artist in residence at Love2Arts Gallery (Antwerpen, Belgium), at Konservatorium am Phoenixsee (Dortmund, Germany) and at De Gouden Florijn Art Gallery (Gent, Belgium).
In 2011, the prestigious Museum of Modern Art “Raccolta Lercaro” (Blogna, Italy) acquired three works by BvG and in 2013 other two works have been acquired by Cremona Fiere and publicly presented at the Museo Civico « Ala Ponzone » (Cremona, Italy).
Mumrik van Gent A consisten part of Mikhail Bezverkhni’s works is signed as Mumrik van Gent. Mumrik is the name of Bezverkhni’s dog.
In these works the artist put on canvas the emotions and the reality as seen from his dog’s perspective.
Today Mumrik van Gent is permanently exposed at the Konservatorium am Phoenixsee (Dortmund, Germany).
Rosita Tristano, in art Maria Tristan, is a violinist and art painter.
She started to paint at the age of four and later developed her technique with Mikhail Bezverkhni, her menthor in art.
For her color is a skilled architect who draws emotional scenarios, visible only in our dream land.
Her works are currently exposed at Konservatorium am Phoenixsee (Dortmund, Germany) and at De Gouden Florijn Art Gallery (Gent, Belgium).
Free entrance!
Inlichtingen : Tel: 03 272 09 99 / GSM : 0475 32 21 75 / e-mail : info at washboard dot be!/events/1462122107389347/
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6) le jeudi 14 août Concert for Violin Solo - Mikhail Bezverkhni. 2018 Antwerpen
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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)