WARNING : validation des paramètres de l'URL ! Russian cultural events calendar : Boris Perott - A Life with the Guitar

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436)   le vendredi 23 août 2013
Catégorie : Histoire Type : Littérature 
Chanterlle Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany
LIVRES   Boris Perott - A Life with the Guitar
BIB Couverture livre. Boris Perott - A Life with the Guitar by Jan de Kloe. 200 pages. 2013-08-23
Jan de Kloe
Boris Perott, a Russian physician, came to England after the Revolution. His lifelong association with the guitar and in particular his creation of the Philharmonic Society of Guitarists in London, in 1929, left its mark in the world of the classical guitar in Great Britain.
Boris Perott is also known as Julian Bream's first teacher.
This biography covers his life in Russia and Finland where he played concerts in public, and in Great Britain where he published more than 60 articles about the classical guitar in-between the World Wars.
Boris Perott was always rather secretive about the first 38 years of his life before he established himself in London. This biography reveals many details of his parallel careers in Russia, as a medical doctor, as a guitarist, as a language and literature teacher, and as an author of many articles and books on a variety of subjects.
About the author : Jan de Kloe was born in The Netherlands in 1943 and has been living in Belgium since 1967. Jan has degrees in computer science and music. He is the author of numerous articles about music and has prepared countless editions of sheet music for mainly German, British and American publishers. He wrote a biography on the Spanish composer Oscar Esplá and a textbook on the Argentinean guitarist Domingo Prat. Recently he published a bio of the Russian medic Boris Perott (1882-1958) who lived the second half of his life in London and who has been instrumental in the popularization of the classical guitar in Great Britain.
Published November 2012 by Chanterelle Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 200 pages, size : 165 x 245 mm, price : £ 19.95
Updates and corrections August 2013
Сайт/Site : http://www.dekloe.be/Publications.htm
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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)