Russian cultural events calendar : Cossack Warriors - a true story

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Catégorie : Histoire Type : Littérature 
LIVRES   Cossack Warriors - a true story
BIB Couverture livre. Cossack Warriors - a true story by Jan de Kloe. 171 pages. 2013-06-13
Jan de Kloe
One page description : Following years of research into the lives of the protagonists, this book first gives a description of the background in which their lives developed: Czarist Russia, the First World War, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Russian Civil War, the Spanish Civil War, and the Second World War. The introduction covers the totalitarian ideologies which influenced their lives – imperialism, communism, and fascism. The Russian emigration dispersed the key players of this story to different countries, and they were to die in lands that were not theirs.
Igor Cherkasskiy followed the Military Academy in Saint Petersburg. He fought in the Russian Civil War on the side of those defending the monarchy (the Whites) and to escape Soviet rule he took exile in Belgrade. From there he went to Belgium to join General Wrangel as his chauffeur then later
he ran a car dealership in Brussels. His role in our story is small but significant because of his marriage to (aunt) Tamara Ponomareff. She came to live with him after his first wife had died and she took along her mother Princess Tamara Imeretinsky from France. Family documents and photographs of interest to this story would not have survived without the link with Igor and his daughter Irina.
Sergey Ponomarev1, the son of Princess Tamara Imeretinsky2, also followed a military education from the age of eight years in Stavropol and Saint Petersburg. He did not reach an officer’s level but his life was governed by horse riding and by offering his military expertise in three wars, among them the Spanish Civil War for which he had the support of General Yevgeni Miller. After his wanderings through Europe, Sergey Ponomarev was to die in Germany. An extraordinary and colorful personality, he experienced the extremes of social status and wellbeing.
Like 10.000 other volunteers, Anna Kress came from the Ukraine to work in Austria where she met and married Sergey Ponomarev. After the war they lived in Germany. When her husband died she immigrated with her three children into North America. Her contribution to the story is of a very personal nature. The author was fortunate to meet this lady several times and he could consult her written memories. When interviewed she was a resident of Little Rock, Arkansas.
General Shkuro joined the Moscow Cadet School at the age of ten. He served in Persia and visited Brussels and Berlin. He took part in the First World War at the Galician front where he was wounded. After other assignments during this war, Russia entered the Civil War where the Red Army fought the Whites with Shkuro siding with the troops that stayed loyal to the Czar. After the communists had won this conflict, Shkuro, like Cherkasskiy and millions of others left his motherland. He went to France where he teamed up with Sergey Ponomarev. In the Second World War both entered the Cossack Divisions, fighting for a free Cossack state in southern Russia.
The story culminates in Austria where the members of the Cossack Division under German command were arrested by the British in 1945. Shkuro and his fellow officers were taken to Moscow for trial while Sergey and Anna managed to escape. Thousands of members of the Cossack Division were transported to Siberia many of whom committed suicide before or during the transport.
The story is an attempt to provide the family history of the Ponomarev’s while the career of their friend General Shkuro is documented with added personal information and hitherto unpublished material of historic value.
The author has done research in Germany, Spain and Austria, and consulted the Russian collections at the Bakhmeteff Archive (Columbia University) in New York, the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminar in Jordanville, NY. Information was also obtained from Russian archives in Saint Petersburg and Yakutsk as well as through interviews with survivors and descendents of the Siberian transport. Primary information was provided by Tamara Ponomareff a.k.a. Tami Youmans-McCarty of Sherwood, Arkansas to whom the book is dedicated.
She is the daughter of Sergey Ponomarev.
1 Some members of the Ponomarev family used or kept the French transliteration of the name, Ponomareff. A more precise transliteration to English would be Ponomaryov.
2 The spelling Imeritinsky also occurs.

About the author : Jan de Kloe was born in The Netherlands in 1943 and has been living in Belgium since 1967. Jan has degrees in computer science and music. Recently he published a bio of the Russian medic Boris Perott (1882-1958) who lived the second half of his life in London and who has been instrumental in the popularization of the classical guitar in Great Britain.
Biography : Betrayal of the Cossacks. Discussion forum =>
Physical description : 171 pages, in English, with appendices of documents in a variety of languages with annotations, 57 illustrations, about 300 footnotes, includes a detailed index, Cyrillic character set required. Softbound with cover picture of Sergey Ponomarev in Paris, around 1930 in Cossack dress. Back cover with photograph of the author.
Contact : (at) telenet (dot) be
Сайт/Site :
1) du samedi 1 juin 2013 au dimanche 2 juin 2013
Concert de printemps - musique classique.
2) le samedi 1 juin 2013
« Рандеву с Россией » : « Огоньки ».
3) le samedi 1 juin 2013
Международный День Защиты Детей.
4) le dimanche 2 juin 2013
« Рандеву с Россией » : Радуга Талантов и Ярмарка.
Parc Elisabeth (Koekelberg), boulevard Leopold II, 1081 Bruxelles
5) le dimanche 2 juin 2013Русский Дом в Бельгии.
6) le lundi 3 juin 2013
3-й фестиваль "Рандеву с Россией", Бельгия.
7) du lundi 3 juin 2013 au vendredi 7 juin 2013
The Belgian-Luxemburg economic days in Lipetsk and Kaluga.
8) du lundi 20 mai 2013 au mardi 4 juin 2013
Auction 13 - Russian, Belgian & European Art.
9) le mardi 4 juin 2013
Специальный показ документального фильма « Лёша ».
10) du mercredi 5 juin 2013 au samedi 15 juin 2013
International art festival Russia - Belorussia - Belgium.
8370 Blankenberge
11) le jeudi 6 juin 2013
Récits de la Kolyma.
12) le samedi 8 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
13) le samedi 8 juin 2013
Vergadering van Spoetnik Antwerpen-Limburg.
CoSta, Sint-Andriesplaats 24, 2000 Antwerpen
14) le samedi 8 juin 2013
Презентация архивных фотографий Императора Николая II и его семьи.
15) du samedi 17 novembre 2012 au dimanche 9 juin 2013
De Sovjet Mythe. Socialistisch realisme 1932 - 1960.
16) le dimanche 9 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
17) le dimanche 9 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
18) du samedi 20 avril 2013 au lundi 10 juin 2013
Photographies d'Alexandra Demenkova : « Russian Love ».
19) du vendredi 3 mai 2013 au lundi 10 juin 2013
Exposition de Lena Lapschina : « Before I start II ».
20) du vendredi 10 mai 2013 au lundi 10 juin 2013
Konstantin Dverin exhibition : Endless Siberia.
21) le lundi 10 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
22) du lundi 10 juin 2013 au jeudi 13 juin 2013
Internationaal Folklorefestival 2013.
Feestzaal Sint-Agatha-Berchem, Koning Abertlaan 33, 1082 Brussel | Salle des Fêtes de Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, 33, Avenue du Roi Albert, 1082 Bruxelles
23) le mardi 11 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
24) le mercredi 12 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
25) le mercredi 12 juin 2013
Festival International de Folklore : Meiboom Folkfestival 2013.
26) le mercredi 12 juin 2013
Fête nationale de Russie at Maasmechelen Village.
27) le jeudi 13 juin 2013
Cossack Warriors - a true story
28) le vendredi 14 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
29) du vendredi 14 juin 2013 au samedi 15 juin 2013
Ivanov d'après Anton Tchekhov.
30) le samedi 15 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
31) le samedi 15 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
32) le samedi 15 juin 2013
International art festival. Russia - Belorussia - Belgium, Blankenberge.
33) le dimanche 16 juin 2013
Chants orthodoxes.
34) le jeudi 20 juin 2013
Fête de la Musique. Andrey Boreyko direction - Nikolai Lugansky piano - Orchestre National de Belgique.
35) le jeudi 20 juin 2013
FPPR. Invitation assemblée générale annuelle.
36) le vendredi 21 juin 2013
Scène russe pour la Fête de la Musique. Праздник музыки.
37) le mardi 25 juin 2013
Pathétique. Tchaikovsky.
38) le samedi 29 juin 2013
Автобусная экскурсия : Великолепный Париж.
Paris (France)
39) le samedi 29 juin 2013
Творческий вечер ЮМОРА Елены Ананьевой.
40) du vendredi 8 mars 2013 au dimanche 30 juin 2013
Kandinsky et la Russie.
41) du mardi 7 mai 2013 au dimanche 30 juin 2013
Berlijn- Brussel van cijfers en letters werk.
Vertigo art, Hoogstraat 271, 1000 Brussel
42) le dimanche 30 juin 2013
Orgelconcert — Luka Gadelia.
43) le dimanche 30 juin 2013
Rousski dom. lg 2013, 1, (1), 8 pages.
44) du jeudi 6 juin 2013 au samedi 6 juillet 2013
Marcin Sobolev - « Fils d'orphelin ».
45) du jeudi 6 juin 2013 au vendredi 12 juillet 2013
Exposition « Symphonie slave ».
46) du jeudi 21 février 2013 au dimanche 21 juillet 2013
Chagall, entre guerre et paix.
Musée du Luxembourg, rue de Vaugirard 19, F-75006 Paris
Tél. : 01 40 13 62 00
47) du mardi 12 mars 2013 au dimanche 11 août 2013
Le Grand Changement, Révolution dans la Peinture Russe 1895-1917.
48) du mercredi 10 avril 2013 au dimanche 1 septembre 2013
Exposition temporaire : « 1853 -2003 : le 150e anniversaire des relations diplomatiques belgo-russes »
Musée Royal de l’Armée et de l’Histoire Militaire, Salle des Arcades, Parc du Cinquantenaire 3, 1000 Bruxelles. (Entrée par la porte principale du Musée.)

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)