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140)   du vendredi 23 novembre 2018 au mardi 27 novembre 2018
Catégorie : Enchères Type : Vente 
Hôtel Métropole, avenue de la Madone 4, MC-98000 Monaco
LIVRES   Vente « Private Collections | Russian Art & Rare Books ».
Catalogue. Ф Hermitage Fine Art. Page exemple n°47 Documents Denikin. 2018-11-23
Ф Hermitage Fine Art, Monaco.
Page exemple n°47 4ème catalogue, 2018, 172 pages.
Par Le Ministere De Maitre Claire Notari Huissier de Justice à Monaco
Private Collections | Russian Art & Rare Books
Session 1 / Private Collections => Friday November 23, 2018 - 14:00
Session 2 / Russian Art => Friday November 23, 2018 - 17:00
Session 3 / Old Masters => Saturday November 24, 2018 - 14:00
Session 4 / Antique Arms & Militaria => Saturday November 24, 2018 - 16:00
Session 5 / Numismatics & Objects Of Vertu => Saturday November 24, 2018 - 17:00
Session 6 / Modern & Contemporary Art => Tuesday November 27, 2018 - 19:00

Hotel Metropole - 4 avenue de la Madone - 98000 MONACO
Exhibition Preview : Thursday November 22, 2018 At 18:00
Exhibition : Friday Nov 23 & Saturday Nov 24 10:00 - 13:00
Modern & Contemporary : Sunday Nov 25 & Monday Nov 26 12:00 - 16:00
Contemporary Cocktail : Tuesday Nov 27 18:00

We dedicate our fourth catalogue (172 pages) to the renowned editor and publisher, owner of the epocha publishing house Solomon Kaplun (1883-1940)

We are pleased to announce our upcoming auctions held at the hotel Metropole Monte-Carlo from 23 to 27 November where the auction house Hermitage Fine Art will present over 900 items of Russian art from private collections, major schools of painting in western Europe XVI - XIX centuries, Modern and Contemporary art, Numismatics and Antique arms & Militaria.
The exhibition will be on view from the 22nd November 2018, at 18.00.
The first auction day on November 23rd will be dedicated to Russian Art from European private collections.
Among the highlights are the rarest foreign books about traveling in the Russian Empire and Imperial hunting, a unique collection of letters and autographs from the poets and writers of the Silver Age - Marina Tsvetaeva, Ivan Bunin, Konstantin Balmont, Nadezhda Teffi and Maksim Gorky; the letters from Soviet political figures - Lenin, Krupskaya, Stalin, Kerensky.
In the collection of Russian paintings and graphics - outstanding masterpieces of the XIX - early XX centuries, Isaac Levitan, Alexander Benois, Johann Baptist von Lampi the Younger, Ivan Tyurin.
On November 24th Hermitage Fine Art will start the auction day with the works of European masters of the XVI - XIX. The catalogue includes portraits and scenes of the Dutch Golden Age, Flamish and English schools of XVI-XVII centuries and elegant Italian, French and Dutch landscape paintings of XVIII-XIX.
Among the highlights we will present a very unusual portrait of a half dressed Gabrielle d’Estree (1573 - 1599) and a very rare representation of the Virgin of the XVI century. The auction house will also present a series of battle scenes from the XVII century, familiar subjects like the Romand landscape with the Coliseum in the distance, the Rialto bridge in Venice or a composition taking place in winter with skaters, sledging on Dutch frozen rivers, describing a rural life and their everyday activities.
The sale will further include the most interesting antique weapons from the Middle Ages, Napoleonic wars and before the beginning of the XX century.
Additionally, we will be presenting the richest variety of numismatics - coins from Europe, Africa and Asia of different times, starting from the I century BC. until XX.
This catalogue also includes clocks and objects of vertu by Cartier and Van Clef & Arpels.
The sale on November 27th will be highlighted by the work of the famous Cy Twombly and Eugene Boudin at the auction of Modern and Contemporary art. For the first time, Hermitage Fine Art will present 1 of 100 advanced technological reproductions of LÉONARD TSUGUHARU FOUJITA made by Fujifilm Belgium NV, and it will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from The Foundation Foujita.
Kind regards,
Hermitage Fine Art.
To celebrate the opening of the first Modern and Contemporary art auction, Hermitage Fine Art invites collectors and friends for a cocktail at the Metropole hotel on November 27th, 2018, at 18.00, one hour before the auction.
Inquiries - tel.: +377 97773980 - Email : info at
Ф Hermitage Fine Art, avenue de la Costa 25, MC-98000 Monaco
Сайт/Site :
141) Une journée chez Oblomov, par Vadim Korniloff [2018-11-30]
142) Vente « Private Collections | Russian Art & Rare Books »,  [2018-11-23]
143) Linguistique comparée des langues slaves, par Jacques Feuillet [2018-11-02]
144) CCBLR East Inform. November & December 2018,  [2018-11-01]
145) Revue FPPR n°7 (septembre 2018) -Edition spéciale « l'assassinat de la famille impériale », Marina Tolstoy [2018-11-01]
146) Поэм (13) о действии души. 13 Poèmes du fonctionnement de l'âme, par André Maljour, traduction de Karyna Poita [2018-11-01]
147) Поэм (7) и 9 Наслаждений. Beauté. Красота. 7 Poèmes et 9 Délices (9), par André Maljour-Tromosh, traduction de Karyna Poita [2018-11-01]
148) Belarus beyond your expectations, East Inform - October 2018. [2018-10-01]
149) Petite géopolitique du christianisme ou Histoire des trois Rome, de Sergueï Kolessnikow [2018-10-01]
150) Géopolitique de la Russie : 40 fiches illustrées pour comprendre le monde.Re haired, par de Jean Gliniasty (Auteur) - verbatim de Pascal Boniface [2018-09-20]
151) Vilnius, Londres, Paris, par Andreï Kourkov (Autheur), PAUL Lequesne (Tranduction), Andreï Kourkov (Contribution)  [2018-09-20]
152) Vilnius, Paris, Londres, Traduction Paul Lequesne - Langue d'origine : Russe  [2018-09-20]
153) Carnets de Kiev, 1941-1943 : Journal d'une bibliothécaire russe pendant l'occupation allemande, par Irina Khorochounova  [2018-09-18]
154) Feu vert de Moscou, par Arthur Antonenko (Author, Illustrator) [2018-09-15]
155) The Napoleonic wars. Part 5. 1812-1813. The Russian campaign - day to day chronology, by Ruben Ygua (Author)  [2018-09-13]
156) La fabrique de l’homme nouveau après Staline : Les arts et la culture dans le projet soviétique, par Cécile Vaissié [2018-08-28]
157) La Planète des champignons, de Elena Tchijova (Auteur), Marianne Gourg-Antuszewicz (Traduction) [2018-08-23]
158) CCBLR East Inform. August & September 2018,  [2018-08-01]
159) CCBR, Bulletin d'information culturelle, Août-Septembre 2018, par Michel De Grave [2018-08-01]
160) Dictionnaire de la philosophie russe Broché – 1 août 2018, de Mikhaïl Masline (Auteur), Collectif (Auteur), Françoise Lesourd (Traduction) [2018-08-01]

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In memoriam Варвара Фёдоровна Протасова, Орёлъ, Россiя (1867-11-10 - 1942-08-23)